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Tumbleweeds: Gangs Aren't New (pt 4 of 4...Not WOKE)

Writer's picture: Stephen McCallumStephen McCallum

(continued) CHIEF No wondrous braves, peeling scalps from pale-pusses? TUMBLEWEEDS By yourselves. No help. No advice. No weapons. CHIEF (aghast) That's not fair! COLONEL (aghast) It's completely un-American! CAPTAIN It really appears that my commander's yellow hair extends all the way down his back. MEDICINE MAN And the feathers of our mighty king were plucked from a Central Park pigeon. Lotsa Luck hands a note to Tumbleweeds. LOTSA LUCK (V.O.) Does this mean that the pow wow is concluded? I have a quiche rising in the Post kitchen. BACK TO SCENE Abruptly, a one rider gallops into the encampment. It is the Sheriff. He leaps to the ground, as the horse he's riding slumps to the ground. SHERIFF (out of breath) Echo! The little girl's gone! Tumbleweeds rushes forward. TUMBLEWEEDS What are you talking about? SHERIFF (catching breath) The child's gone. We've looked everywhere. Her aunt found her missing from her bedroom, before breakfast. (beat) Talked to Coltrane... he told Sampton about her. ACE My god, the man'll kill her! All the men begin organizing. CAPTAIN Corporal, take six men and join the wagon. (beat) Colonel, you're under arrest... until we get this settled. MEDICINE MAN Brave One and Limpid Lizard, you join them. (to Tumbleweeds) L.L. is not bright... but he can track a flea... in the dark. LIMPID LIZARD I like fleas...they tickle. Tumbleweeds runs, leaps into Epic's saddle. Then he pulls the horse up in front of the Sheriff. TUMBLEWEEDS (excitedly) Did anyone ever find Pajamas? SHERIFF (beat; startled) No! We were too busy looking for her. TUMBLEWEEDS (to Epic) Find Pajamas! Epic takes off, not quite like the wind. Ace assumes responsibility for the rest of the searchers. ACE (authoritative) Corporal, take two men... and this Injun... (pointing at Limpid Lizard) ... start at town and go west to the river. (beat) The rest of you go south, toward the desert. CAPTAIN What about the other directions? ACE Pony Express riders have already spread north. (beat) And ya'll have been blocking the way east... from here. EXT. OPEN PLAIN - DAY - TUMBLEWEEDS - EPIC racing past the Poohawk Territorial Sign. INT. HAMHOCKER HOUSE - FRONTROOM - DAY - HILDEGARDE - JUDGE FRUMP They're seated together on the wooden sofa. Hildegarde is crying, and the Judge is frustrated -- trying poorly to console her. JUDGE FRUMP Miss Hamhocker, you've got to try to get a hold on yourself. (beat) Your niece will need your strength when she returns. HILDEGARDE (sobbing) She's so fragile... and precious. JUDGE FRUMP We all have great respect for Echo... and your fine efforts to raise her alone. (beat) And I promise this scoundrel will hang by the neck... when we catch 'im. Hildegarde reacts, then switches from sorrow to anger. HILDEGARDE (drying eyes) Hang him? Not on your cheap wooden gavel! (beat; grabs Judge's lapels; angry) You will drag him through town, by four horses... then you nail his hide to the stable doors, and sell shots at him, to all the drunks in town... then the blacksmith shall brand his forehead with the hot steel of the Pony Express. Hildegarde lets go of the Judge, brushes his suit, then switches moods, again. This time she is her very demure and "ladylike" self, brushing the pleats of her dress as she speaks. HILDEGARDE (continuing; quiet) Then... you will deliver his naked carcass to my front door... where I will personally scald his body with boiling chicken fat. (beat) Then he shall be sent into the wilderness... in his nakedness... to face the rest of a modest and civilized world, where simple folk allow the laws of man and God to rule their lives. Judge Frump visibly "shivers", then composes himself. JUDGE FRUMP Miss Hamhocker… you are the soul of delicate womanhood. EXT. OPEN PLAIN (WEST OF TOWN)- DAY - RESCUERS The Corporal and Limpid Lizard lead their team in search of the missing girl. They all appear tired, dusty and worried. EXT. OPEN PLAIN (SOUTHOF TOWN) - DAY - RESCUERS The rest of the soldiers and Brave One search the scrub brush and dry ground for signs of travel. They are equally tired and dusty. EXT. MAINSTREET (GRIMY GULCH) – LATE AFTERNOON as Tumbleweeds enters town, riding Epic. A few local women are searching the outside of buildings, but the town is visibly empty of menfolk. TUMBLEWEEDS Come on, Epic. You gotta find ol' Pajamas... and soon. Epic appears weary and walks unsteady, but he SNORTS an understanding and continues. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS - EPIC - SALOON - GENERAL STORE Judge Frump and the Sheriff exit the Saloon, and watch as horse and rider pass them. SHERIFF What's up? TUMBLEWEEDS Epic is tracking Echo's dog. (beat) I figured that nobody could track the little girl better'n her own critter. SHERIFF Great thinkin'. But ain't nobody seen that lazy dog in two days. TUMBLEWEEDS Yep. But Epic and Pajamas play all the time with Echo. Sose if anything can track that dog, he can. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS - EPIC - GENERAL STORE Epic visibly strengths up, and walks "prideful", after hearing the talk. Suddenly, he stops right in front of Hamhocker's General Store, and points his head under the stairs. And, right there, sound asleep is Pajamas, the wonder dog. TUMBLEWEEDS (shock; leaping to ground) Has he been right there da whole time? Epic only shrugs his shoulders in reply, and slumps to the ground -- exhausted. Tumbleweeds reaches, excitedly, under the steps. JUDGE FRUMP(O.S.) Careful! Remember, let sleepin' dogs lie. Unconcerned, Tumbleweeds reaches in and shakes the sleeping animal. TUMBLEWEEDS Come on, fella. Tumbleweeds picks Pajamas up, by the scruff of his neck, and pulls him out. TUMBLEWEEDS Wake up! Your mistress is missin', and we need you to find her! Pajamas stirs from his usual slothliness, wiggles in Tumbleweeds' hands. The man puts him down, and Pajamas crosses, rhythmically, to where Epic lays. The dog and the horse appear to talk (not audible). Suddenly, both straighten up, sniff the air, and Pajamas is off on the trail of his mistress. At a running start, Tumbleweeds leaps into Epic's saddle, and they follow -- as Pajama swaddles off down Mainstreet. EXT. OPEN PLAIN - SUNSET TWILIGHT- LOTSA LUCK - CECIL Cecil walks through the open plain, with Lotsa Luck standing on his back, his bow taut with an arrow ready to fly. Cecil begins to smell something and turns into a small ravine. EXT. FOOTHILLS – NIGHT – TUMBLEWEEDS – EPIC – PAJAMAS - ACE As Pajamas follows his trail up onto the ridge line. Tumbleweeds and Ace ride side-by-side just watching the dog. ACE Sure he knows where he's going? TUMBLEWEEDS Must be... he hasn't turned left or right in two hours. ACE What’s ahead? Tumbleweeds pauses. TUMBLEWEEDS The old miners’ shaft in Devil’s Canyon. That must be where we’re headed. EXT. MINERS'CABIN - NIGHT - TUMBLEWEEDS - ACE - EPIC - PAJAMAS Tumbleweeds and Ace are "peeking" out from behind the bushes. Epic is slumped down -- sleeping. Tumbleweeds holds Pajamas -- who's squirming and wants to go on. ANGLE - CABIN both men can see a light ON inside. There are no shadows or sounds. ACE (loud whisper) They gotta be in there. I've never seen that dog so... awake! TUMBLEWEEDS But... how we gonna get up there... without him telling the world? ACE I gottaah idea. They move to where Epic is asleep. Ace takes Epic's bridle strap and makes one length of it into a leash for Pajamas. When Tumbleweeds lets go of him, Pajamas tries to waddle toward the cabin. But he can't drag the downed horse. ACE (continuing) That should hold him long enough for us to finish this. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS - ACE as they "sneak" up on the side wall of the cabin. But, before they can reach the wall, the sound of a dog's howl WAILS through the woods. INT. CABIN - NIGHT - ECHO - SAMPTON Little Echo is tied up and seated in one corner of the cabin, near the fireplace. Burt Sampton is laid out on the only bed in the room. They both react as the dog's HOWL is HEARD O.S. ECHO (shouting) Pajamas! She reacts as she realizes that this means city folks have come to rescue her, and that she's now warned Sampton -- who is now sitting up, gun drawn. SAMPTON I'm afraid so, child. He jumps up, grabs the little girl, and tosses her over his shoulder. SAMPTON (continuing) It's time to travel. He blows out the lantern, moves to the back door of the cabin, and opens the door. Sampton pauses long enough to realize no one is watching the door, then "slips" into the darkness. EXT. CABIN - NIGHT - TUMBLEWEEDS - ACE leaning against the wall, as the lights go OFF inside. ACE Dang dog's blown it. TUMBLEWEEDS No time to discuss it. (beat; shouting) Sampton, we're here to take you in. Don't make it worse. Tumbleweeds pauses to wait for a reply. TUMBLEWEEDS (continuing) Come on out, Sampton. Making us charge in could get that little girl hurt. Sure you don't want that. There's only silence. ACE What'll we do? TUMBLEWEEDS Slip around back. See if there's another way in. Ace moves away. Tumbleweeds moves towards the front door. After a beat... ACE (O.S.) (shouting) They're gone! Out the back! Tumbleweeds kicks the front door open and dives through, ready to shoot, if necessary. INT. CABIN- NIGHT (DARK) - TUMBLEWEEDS - ACE as Tumbleweeds rolls into the room, only to find Ace leaning against the back door -- shuffling a deck of cards. ACE What now? TUMBLEWEEDS They just left. We'll turn the dog loose and follow them... all night if needed... Tumbleweeds runs out the front door, Ace replaces the deck in his coat pocket and follows. EXT. RIDGE LINE - SUNRISETWILIGHT - ECHO - SAMPTON as he pushes through the trees with her still over his shoulders. They speak very casually as they travel. SAMPTON Sorry for the inconvenience, child. ECHO It's all right, sir. I understand the pressures of adulthood. My aunt says I should always remember that being growed up ain't always being grown up. SAMPTON Your aunt is a very wise woman. (beat) Except for that obsession she has with that cowboy. ECHO True. But everyone should have a goal that gives their life meaning. SAMPTON Perhaps. I had one... however, it appears to have lost its meaning. ECHO That is the way of life, sir. Sampton pushes through some bushes into a small open meadow, as the light of morning brings the vista into view. He sets Echo down on the ground, quite politely. ECHO Thank you. SAMPTON I'm going to look for the best way around here. I'll be right back. ECHO Under the circumstances... I promise not to go anywhere. My aunt says I should never wander in the woods alone. Sampton turns to cross the meadow... as an arrow, with a note stuck on it, lands at his feet. Sampton looks up, as he starts to draw his six-gun... ANGLE - ECHO - SAMPTON - LOTSA LUCK - CECIL Sampton freezes as he sees the little Indian standing on the back of his horse, holding a drawn bow on him. After a beat, Lotsa Luck allows the tip of his strung arrow to "point" at the note at Sampton's feet. Sampton pulls it off and reads: INSERT - another note. LOTSA LUCK (V.O.) You unscrupulous pond scum... Be so intelligent as to stand still, or I shall be required to turn your spleen and liver into hors d'oeuvres. BACK TO SCENE SAMPTON That sounds particularly uncomfortable. ANGLE - ECHO - SAMPTON ECHO Sir... it is not my place to advice adults in matters of political animosity... but, perhaps you should not make any intimidative or fulminary actions. It is quite probable that this diminutive member of a savage and heathen population has not mastered the nuances and inflections of our spoken language. Sampton looks curiously over his shoulder at the little girl, without moving too fast. SAMPTON Anybody ever tell you... you talk real funny? How did you learn all them big words? ECHO First, no one has ever remarked negatively about my exceptional elocutionary excellence. And, understanding that you are the epitome of the slimy criminal element in our rustic, early American culture, I shall hold no antipathy toward you. (beat; breath) Secondly, my Aunt's favorite bedtime reading material was Mr. Webster's dictionary. The second, and "one room school" edition, of course. Another arrow lands at Sampton's feet. While speaking to Echo he had not been watching the Indian O.S. ANGLE - ECHO - SAMPTON - LOTSA LUCK as Sampton begins to read the note. INSERT - another note. LOTSA LUCK (V.O.) The child has offered you sound and practical advice. You would be greatly protected if, at this time, you would sit down and place your upper limbs upon that inelegant chapeau. Obviously, you have not heard of Mr Stetson, and the many wonders he is doing with beaver pelts this year. BACK TO SCENE SAMPTON You're as strange as the child. Sampton pauses studying the tiny Indian. It is "obvious" that he is about to attempt his escape. WIDE SHOT - SAMPTON Sampton begins to dive to his left, and draw his six-gun at the same time. Simultaneously, another shot is HEARDO.S., as an arrow passes through the trigger-guard of Sampton's gun -- jerking it out of the holster, and his hand. Sampton looks toward the Indian O.S., then in the direction of the gunshot O.S. ANGLE - ECHO - SAMPTON - LOTSA LUCK - TUMBLEWEEDS - ACE - PAJAMAS - EPIC - CECIL Tumbleweeds stands ready, with his six-gun drawn. Pajamas rushes forward and begins "licking" Echo. Lotsa Luck has already restrung his bow. And Sampton is confused and dazed. SAMPTON (distracted) What did you shoot at, anyway? TUMBLEWEEDS Your six-gun. ACE Considering the little redskin pulled it away... you apparently missed, my friend. TUMBLEWEEDS Not necessarily. Ace crosses to Echo and unties the little girl, who grabs up her dog, and begins kissing Pajamas. ANGLE - ECHO - ACE - PAJAMAS ECHO (giggling) Thank you gentlemen... for finding my dog! ACE We were looking for you. Your aunt insisted on it. ECHO I am quite sure she would have been very self-indulgent about it. But I was quite safe. Mr Sampton is a bad man... but he would never had been such a cad. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS - LOTSA LUCK - SAMPTON Lotsa Luck is now only feet away from Sampton and Tumbleweeds, still on Cecil's back, bow still strung. TUMBLEWEEDS Well, Sampton... want to tell the little girl the truth? SAMPTON What'da ya mean? TUMBLEWEEDS She really believes you weren't going to hurt her. So... what were you going to do? SAMPTON Hey! I'm not that kind of guy! I was just going to trade her to the Comancheros... for passage over the border. (beat) I figured that way she'd never see white folks, agin. So she could never testify agin me. ANGLE - ECHO - ACE - PAJAMAS ECHO That would have been most unpleasant. But not without redeeming social value. (beat) I could have taught them culture and language. And eventually, returned see this gentleman swing from a tall oak tree. ACE We don't have oak trees in this ecological region. ECHO That is okay. I am sure that Mr. Tumbleweeds will make the appropriate accommodations. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS TUMBLEWEEDS (smiling) You can count on it, sweetheart. ANGLE - ACE as he crosses over and picks up Sampton's six-gun, with Lotsa Luck's arrow still in the trigger well -- and Tumbleweeds' bullet "lodged" between the hammer and the plate. EXT. MAINSTREET (GRIMY GULCH) - DAY - TOWNSPEOPLE The barricades are missing. In the b.g., Tumbleweeds is riding Epic towards town. Beside him is Lotsa Luck on Cecil. In front of them Burt Sampton is walking -- tied up and strung to Epic's saddle. Behind them is Ace and Echo riding his pony. Echo carries Pajamas -- who is now back to sleep. ANGLE - GENERAL STORE as Hildegarde Hamhocker runs out of the store, stopping on the wooden porch. AD LIB shouts and "hoorays" are HEARD O.S., as the Townspeople shout for the safe return of the little girl. ANGLE - SALOON as Judge Frump and the Sheriff exit, hearing the shouting. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS AND GROUP - HILDEGARDE - TOWNSPEOPLE Lots of folks are standing around as the Group stop in front of the General Store, and Hildegarde runs forward and takes her niece, as Ace hands the child down. One of the local ladies takes Pajamas, as aunt and child hug. Tumbleweeds and Ace dismount. Ace ties his pony to the rail, as Epic slumps into his own perpetual sleep. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS slapping dust off his clothes, as he walks up the steps. TUMBLEWEEDS (to Lotsa Luck O.S.) Come on in, and clean your throat. A note floats into his hands. INSERT - a note. LOTSA LUCK (V.O.) I would be honored to slum in your quaint, backwoods spirits establishment. However, as a member of an unrecognized and socially maligned culture, I cannot consume firewater... But I would just love a banana daiquiri... shaken not stirred. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS - LOTSA LUCK - ACE - JUDGE FRUMP TUMBLEWEEDS Don't know wat di-queer-ree is... and we ain't saw ah banana in years. All we got is whiskey, beer and coffee. Lotsa Luck hands Ace another note -- who reads it and responds. ACE Beer. Caffeine is agin his religion. TUMBLEWEEDS Beer it is. JUDGE FRUMP (confused) What about that red-tailed swine? I want a trial as soon as possible. (beat; ordering) Tomorrow morning at nine a.m. ANGLE - SHERIFF - SAMPTON - DEPUTY - TOWNSPEOPLE as the Sheriff hands the "rope leash" for Sampton to the Deputy, then pulls his six-gun out to convince Sampton not to try anything. SHERIFF Me an' the Deputy'll lock 'im up. Then Teddy can pass the word around about the trial. ANGLE - JUDGE FRUMP JUDGE FRUMP Now that's all settle. (beat) The drinks are on me. Several Townsmen shout AD LIBS of approval. INT. HAMHOCKERHOUSE - DAY - ECHO - HILDEGARDE - LADIES Tea and cookies have been served and enjoyed by all. Echo is in a clean dress, and Pajamas is asleep at her feet. ECHO (politely) I am very sorry that my small misadventure has caused any of you ladies such discomfort and malaise as would interfere with your seasonal baking and canning. HILDEGARDE I am just very glad that you remembered your manners. Mr. Tumbleweeds said that you were extremely polite. And, that Mr. Sampton was exceptionally impressed with both your manners and your behavior. ECHO You always taught me that no matter what the situation, no matter how hard or possibly injurious, is just cause for bad manners. (beat; happily) And wasn't Pajamas just wonderful? I told you that he was a great guard dog! And he was so fearless in front of that awful man. HILDEGARDE (curiously) Beyond my comprehension, I am very impressed with that flea farm's success. Pajamas rolls over, in his asleep, onto his back, and wiggles like someone is scratching his tummy. EXT. CLIFFABOVE POOHAWK VILLAGE- DAY The Chief lays on the ground, his face looking over the edge of the cliff. The village is SEEN in the valley in the b.g. The Medicine Man stands nearby. CHIEF (casually) My children! Blissfully at play. Dependent upon my wisdom and great courage to protect and care for them. MEDICINE MAN Yep. They are pretty stupid. The Chief rolls over on his back, his headdress hanging over the cliff. His manner is casual. CHIEF A bit tense and curt this morning, aren't we? MEDICINE MAN I'm just tired. You're delusionary. (beat) Four years of war and destruction, and you're behaving like a naive vestal virgin. (beat) I am are a naive vestal virgin. CHIEF I might as well being talking to that midget moron, Lotsa Luck, trying to make you understand that having won the war with the ignorant Bluecoats, I have raised the glory and honor of the Poohawks beyond even the praise of those scruffy and uncouth Seminoles and Cherokees. The Chief rolls back over to look down the cliff. CHIEF Do you think they'll name an all-terrain vehicle after us, now? MEDICINE MAN Don't expect so. No one I know would drive a Poohawk... or a feathered clown. INT. COLONEL'S OFFICE (ARMY POST) - DAY - COLONEL- CAPTAIN The Colonel is relaxed behind his desk. The Captain is standing at the window, looking out, and drinking coffee. COLONEL I have sent a complete written report to Washington about this land-stealing scam. Including all of the details proving that those savages were actively participating in this scheme to deprive the fair citizens of this territory from their homes. CAPTAIN The Poohawks were not involved. Any more than you, yourself, were involved. COLONEL I've ordered you never to speak of that aspect of the case! (beat) Besides, we have to plan our continued war on the heathens. The Captain turns to face his commander. CAPTAIN I was under the impression that you gave the townspeople of Grimy Gulch your word not to continue hostilities with the Poohawks? COLONEL I did. But when Washington reads my report... I'll be ordered to eliminate the redskin threat to our peaceful, politically correct population. CAPTAIN You're impossible. (beat) But, fortunately, I anticipated you. I wrote my father, the Senator, with a clearer prospective of the local situation. COLONEL (shocked) You what? Behind my back?... (beat; despondent) Oh, well... and I did so much look forward to watching that feathered freak fry... inside his own teepee. CAPTAIN Glad to do my part, for you... sir. The Captain rises his cup, as though toasting his superior, and smiles. EXT. MAINSTREET (GRIMY GULCH) – DAY – PERCY running down the street with a new edition. PERCY (shouting) Read all about it! Hildegarde Hamhocker gets her wedding day! ANGLE - SALOON - ACE - PERCY as the boy crashes into Ace. ACE What's all this shouting about? PERCY Miss Hamhocker gets to celebrate a wedding! ACE How could that be? Did Tumbleweeds finally give in? PERCY No quite, sir. Read all about it. The boy gives Ace a paper, then runs down the street SHOUTING again. EXT. OPEN PLAIN (NEARGRIMY GULCH) - DAY - TOWNSPEOPLE - POOHAWKS - CAPTAIN - CORPORAL There is a party atmosphere. Tables are setup with food, drink and decorations. Lattices of flowers and ribbons are setup around the area. Everybody, townspeople and Indians, are dressed in their gayest outfits. Lotsa Luck can be SEEN in an apron and chef's hat, supervising all the food preparations. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS - ACE - CHIEF Tumbleweeds is visibly uncomfortable in his new suit. The Chief is wearing his very large and colorful ceremonial headdress. CHIEF We want to thank you folks for inviting us. This is going to be a very special, and different, festival... for all of us. ACE After years of confusion, it was only fitting that the end be so celebrated by this brand-new union. (beat) The groom looks particularly... nervously about the affair. TUMBLEWEEDS (puzzled) Yeah. The Medicine Man and Judge Frump enter and join the others. JUDGE FRUMP Well, we've come to a positive agreement about handling these ceremonies. MEDICINE MAN It will be quite peculiar to conduct this in both our traditions. But we believe we've resolved the arguments. JUDGE FRUMP The Witch Doctor will preside over the wedding, and I will witness the momentous occasion. Thereby, the joyous couple shall be recognized as bonded, in both lands. TUMBLEWEEDS Thank you both... for your effort and your presence. MEDICINE MAN Believe me... I wouldn't miss this for a Sharon Stone movie. ANGLE - GUESTS – HILDEGARDE as a fiddler PLAYS the "Wedding March", Hildegarde slowly marches down the isle. The CAMERA PULLS BACK and WIDENS to reveal Indians and townspeople watching her march. Echo, escorted by Pajamas, "sprinkles" flower petals along the isle, in front of her aunt. The Captain and the Corporal lead an honor guard of soldiers, rifles held as an arch, standing at the back of the area. Hildegarde passes between them on her way down the isle. Tumbleweeds stands up front, with Ace and Limpid Lizard nearby. The Medicine Man and Judge Frump stand in the front center, to officiate. Hildegarde approaches the front, and smiles at Tumbleweeds -- who is visibly nervous. She steps to the far side. After a beat, an accordion joins the fiddle, and they PLAY the "Wedding March" even louder. And everyone turns towards the music. Then DELICATE FLOWER enters, and begins her march down the isle. Limpid Lizard steps forward to meet her at the front. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS visibly relieved. BACK TO SCENE as Delicate Flower and Limpid Lizard turn to face the Medicine Man. ANGLE - RECEPTION PARTY the fiddle and the accordion are PLAYING a festive, dancing song. Everyone is having a wonderful time. Folks are dancing. Folks are eating. Indians and Townspeople are sharing a great time. ANGLE - TUMBLEWEEDS - ACE - BRAVE ONE standing around the beer barrel. ACE You came awfully close, friend. BRAVE ONE Yes. I understand that this is a particularly difficult battle that you have fought for several years. TUMBLEWEEDS I would rather have been a Poohawk facing Only the Colonel and the Cavalry. BRAVE ONE What has been the secret of your success? TUMBLEWEEDS By being... Suddenly, Tumbleweeds is "tackled" by Hildegarde -- in her wedding gown. TUMBLEWEEDS (continuing; wrestling) faster than my misery! He breaks loose from her hold, and leaps up. Waves to the others, and dashes away -- with Hildegarde in hot pursuit. The CAMERA PANS to watch the chase through the crowded party. HILDEGARDE Come on, lover! We can make it twice as happy a day! TUMBLEWEEDS Hildegarde Hamhocker!! I am not going to marry you!! Now or Ever!! ANGLE - ECHO - PAJAMAS - EPIC as the troublesome couplerace by. The little girl is playing with her dog. Epic is tied to a post nearby. Echo reaches up and unties Epic -- who takes the cue to break away at a run. EPIC (to Pajamas) Aunt Hildegarde is happily chasing her goal, again. Grimy Gulch is finally back to normal. EXT. MAINSTREET (GRIMY GULCH) - DAY - TUMBLEWEEDS - HILDEGARDE - EPIC As Tumbleweeds races down the street, with Hildegarde in close pursuit -- only inches away from grasping him. Epic puts on great speed, passes the woman, and "slides" up next to his master. In a single movement Tumbleweeds leaps into the saddle, and the horse speeds away. TUMBLEWEEDS (screaming) Aaaaaaah! (beat) Dang you! You moved that saddle horn, agin!



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