Time is relative... to who or what?
Time is inversely proportional...to how much fun you are having,
Mankind fears Time... but... Time fears the Sphinx.
Time does not exist, it is a creation of Mankind, to justify our definition of history.
These are the thoughts about Time that have fed the imagination of Mankind for nearly 10,000 years.
The nonexistence of Time is the first scientific lie. Proof of this is that without Time, birds would not have to migrate. Salmon would not be required to swim back to the top of their rivers, to spawn. Moths would never know when to exit their cocoons. Turtles would never know when to race ashore, and lay their eggs.
What makes the theory of the nonexistence of Time appear to be practical, is the invention of the clock. The Swiss are to blame for this. But, once a man designed and constructed a face-work clock, the world was even more confused. How many of you realize that a clock IS the only construction in existence that works – clockwise (in the northern hemisphere)?
Not everything in the real world works clockwise. The spin of the Earth, the planets (except Venus and Uranus), and the Sun is clockwise. However, the planets orbit the Sun – counterclockwise. The spin of half of the Galaxies - counterclockwise. Hurricanes and Tornadoes spin – counterclockwise (in the northern hemisphere). Birds in mass, bank left in flight, and Water flushes down the toilet - counterclockwise(in the northern hemisphere). Even NASCAR drivers… all turn left, all the time.