The Progressive Elites are seriously pushing their New World Order. This can be readily evidenced through the WEF (World Economic Forum). This truly disgusts any self-aware individual, regardless of age. However, it is not the only “programme” out there. Those of us who stand on our “rights” to freedom and liberty still stand by the Democratic Republic of the Constitution of the United States. Then there are those who support Jordan Maxwell’s interpretation of law versus maritime law. Of course, there are always those who promote and violently try to enforce authoritarian law, such as Putin and Biden.
Then there is a new programme, pressing its way through the crowd of “we know best”. The Creative Society promotes itself as the “Star Trek cultural solution”. We can live like the 23rd century… now. And, it can sound really good, on the surface. If you’re just watching their commercials, or scanning their promotionals on TikTok and Twitter, you might be excited to see it come forth. But, “never look a gift horse in the mouth”, the bad breath will curl your toes.
CREATIVE SOCIETY is an international project that unites people from over 180 countries on a voluntary basis. The goal of the project is to transition, in a legal and peaceful way, within the shortest possible time, to a new creative format of society worldwide, where human life will be the highest value.
To ensure complete implementation of the Creative Society, it is necessary to introduce a new model of economy and new technologies, as well as to reorganize many processes in society. Therefore, a transition period to the Creative Society is needed, which may last 5 to 6 years according to preliminary estimations. Already during the transition period to the Creative Society, every person by birthright will receive the following benefits:
a) A monthly universal basic income equivalent to USD 10,000 for every adult;
b) A one-time payment equivalent to USD 100,000 upon the birth of the first child, USD 200,000 upon the birth of the second child, and so on. A monthly payment equivalent to USD 5,000 for every child up to 6 years old inclusive and USD 7,000 for a child from 7 years old to majority;
c) Privately owned spacious and comfortable free housing with a minimum area of 650 square feet (60 square meters) per person;
d) High-quality healthcare worldwide, free of charge;
e) High-quality education anywhere in the world, free of charge;
f) Four-hour workdays, four workdays a week, with equally high salaries worldwide for identical positions, specialties, and professions. g) Paid vacations of no less than 30 calendar days at least twice a year;
h) A safe world without wars, conflicts, crime, and corruption;
i) Guaranteed economic stability: no inflation, economic defaults or crises; stable fixed prices worldwide;
j) No taxes for individuals, small and medium-sized businesses;
Unlimited use of utilities (gas, electricity, water, heating, etc.) for individuals, free of charge;
k) Cancellation of all debts and loans, including mortgages;
l) Visa-free travel and unrestricted movement worldwide;
m) Advancements in cutting-edge technologies that improve human life, accessible to everyone in any part of the world.
Unfortunately, their promotionals don’t answer all the questions: such as,
1) If Replicators produce “everything” you want, what factories require employees? Especially, since they will already have A.I. robots making each other, and all the equipment necessary.
First factory will be centers for producing the download software, so that your replicator CAN make all the things you want. However, these will be short-term operations; as soon as “everything” is available, they will simply have to make copies for future customers. The same with “making replicators and unifiers (trash recyclers); the first three editions will require factory manufacturing, until they fix all the bugs discovered; then, they will have replicators that make replicators, so won’t need factories anymore.
2) If Medbeds cure “every” disease and physical challenge, why will we need “free” healthcare? Or, why will we need hospitals? Or, medical professionals? Medbeds will fall into the same category as replicators, robot factories will make them, until replicators start making them.
3) If we have so much free time, and don’t require trained skills, why would anyone pay us $10,000 per month? Pay us that much, to do nothing, then not charge us for education. Because, why go to school, nobody works, and anything you might get curious about will be free online.
4) If “everything” is provided to adults, why would anyone need to pay such outrageous prices for the birth and childhood of children? Currently, such child benefits are paid to those who live “under poverty”, to ensure that such children have the necessities.
5) A safe world with corruption? This programme already smells of corruption. Wars are used by the Elites to distract the mass population from the corruption they presently conduct. Giving away such “wonderful” gifts will serve the same purpose, to distract the masses from “what they don’t really want to see”.
6) A guaranteed economy, with fixed prices, really? If the government gives you outrageous funds, provides replicators that make anything you want, and, almost nobody works, WHAT are the fixed prices for? Disneyland?
7) No taxes on individuals, or small/medium businesses. Then, how much is the VAT tax on anything you can “buy”? And, what small/medium businesses WILL exist? And, consider, if this works, there won’t be any lawyers, so that when you do discover you have been conned and your lifes aren’t what was promised, there won’t be any professionals to help.
However, that’s not the real challenge with The Creative Society. The Progressive Elites are the real challenge. The only way the CS can achieve their goals, is to take “everything” away from the Elites; their outrageous bank accounts, and give it away to the masses. That will require “bloodshed”. Ours.