Steven Skye Templar
Trust me, after 7 decades of experience and research, I can promise that “trying to get your sleep schedule on track”… never works.
The human body learns early, as a child, that its access to sleep is strictly in third place to responsibility and curiosity.
As an infant, our first choice is sleeping… then eating… then pooping. Then, mommy and daddy teach us “peek-a-boo”… which teaches us that the world goes on, when our eyes are closed… so we refuse to sleep, in fear of missing anything… until the body collapses from exhaustion.
Then comes the monster under the bed… then comes staying up to watch television… then just being a small member of a family… and, it continues all the way through life. School interrupts some of your greatest adventures. Then jobs consume your mind, spirit… and body. Then, you create your own family… and never remember the joys of complete sleep. Then, you age, in prayer that you will find sleep, your lifelong friend, once again. Instead, you are constantly awakened... by cruel people... in their fear that you are dead... instead of asleep.
You are reading this wrong, if it’s depressing. It should have brought a small giggle, once you realized that your whole life has been programmed against the one thing that truly satisfies. Because this is the one “fact of life” that we ALL SHARE, regardless of social status!