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My Thesis (1975) part 2

Writer's picture: Stephen McCallumStephen McCallum


"The Duality of the Singularity"

The only truth of being alive is that every singularity is in reality -- a duality. Nothing is One -- all by itself. Everything is left or right, up or down, in or out, black or white, right or wrong, yin or yang, good or evil, god or devil. This is not an Eastern philosophy, even though it sounds like a Zen mental exercise. This is, obviously, not a Western philosophy since worship of “The One” permeates every level of the Hebrew/Christian/Islamic cultures. Yet, even they divide the One into The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or Heaven, Earth, and Hell). Regardless of what you examine, where you find it, or what you plan to do with it, every subject breaks down into a singular duality. It's simply a fact.

The greatest singularity in every society is the professed belief, or denial of, a supreme being (a mystical, supernatural, not seen but ever-present source of power), or a group of such beings, from which all of the most essential actions of social behavior have been outlined and instructed. Regardless of the name the society uses to identify this supreme being, regardless of the human or non-human form by which the society recognizes the supreme being, regardless of the physical evidence that proves whether or not this entity exists, this is the source of the spiritual well-being of the community and serves as the fountain of power which is "all things to all people". Stated alone, and proclaimed with deep enthusiasm, this 'dogma' is overwhelmingly positive and motivating. And, if effectively demonstrated by a small portion of the true believers, this has the fantastic potential for actually creating miracles, of a social nature, bringing some population of the followers into the light -- of their particular dreams.

But there is a duality that under strict scrutiny prevents this overwhelmingly positive potential from ever being realized. That is not to say that 'there is not a supreme being', or that this supreme being has no real effect on the society's behavior -- it only proves that the real parameters of the supreme being have little or no recognition to the society's presentation of those parameters. No Supreme Being really exists within the context to which the followers have impressed their ideal.

Due to the vast size, and the overwhelming destructive nature of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic culture, we must use this philosophy as the foundation for this study. The reader must recognize and understand the non-religious ramifications of its overwhelming duality on the history of Man and the future of Mankind. This overwhelming culture has the historical potential to be recorded as the 'unholy trilogy' by future anthropologists (if there are any) in following centuries. Though these three religions possess one central "Supreme Being", share all the basic "essential teachings", and have all three flowed from the same small ancestral society, like siblings in a dysfunctional household, they plot and attack each other, unabashedly shaming themselves by blaming each other for the unjustifiable brutality that all three have subjected upon outside cultures, and an unrelenting disregard for the "laws" of the religions they all profess. In its very existence this 'trilogy' demonstrates all the fallacies of all religion, and blindly advance inhumanity wherever such philosophies venture.

The singularity of the 'trilogy' is that their supreme being is a singular individual with multiple personalities. Whereas, almost all other religions, on Earth, practice theologies with a vast multitude of individuals, each representing the personality traits necessary to teach the lessons of human behavior. The 'God' of the Hebrews is a single god who rules above all other deities and has no respect for the deities of Pagan (multiple gods) religions. The oldest scriptures of the Hebrews teach that God did not profess Himself to be the only god. Instead, He promised that He would be the God of the Israelites, if they would keep their promises with Him. Moses enforced this point when he volunteered to match the power of his God against the magic of the gods of Egypt. Moses demonstrated that his one 'god' was more powerful and more majestic than all of the multitude of gods and goddesses that the priests of Egypt could command.

Here we have the first major duality between the dogma and the teachings. Dogma teaches us that Yahweh, the god of the Jews, and the Christians, and the Moslems, is the only God. But this is not what the most ancient scriptures teach us that God Himself taught. God's own Words are found in the First Commandment: "thou shalt have no other gods before Me". It does not say, 'I am the only god, therefore there are no others for you to worship'. It specifically implies that anyone who wants to worship Yahweh must not show any reverence, deference, or idolatry to any other god. What would have been God's purpose to order His people not to worship something that did not exist?

And, there is still the continual argument amongst the theological experts regarding the original Greek written version of the ancient scriptures, if such existed before the written Hebrew, which implies that "we shall make Man in Our image...". Again, the singularity of a duality, in that "I am We". Even the revered King James version of the Holy Bible instructs us that some sons of gods came down from heaven and took the daughters of men, to love. That does seem to complicate the matter of dogma and truth.

The 'God' of the Israelites wasn't proclaimed the "only god" until the Christians of the Roman Empire gained political control of the economic world through the reign of Constantine in 325 AD, and the publication of all "acceptable" written scriptures. Those who were "Christianized" Jews became just another breakaway sect of an older religion to become totally self-sufficient and politically successful. But that was because they had learned much from their pagan Roman masters.

From the beginning, the Christianized Jewish Romans (talk about duality) took the best of the parent religions around them, and remolded them to serve in their new sect. It has been proven that the blessed "Christian" holidays and holy dates are strictly adaptations of the Pagan and Hebrew celebrations. These were inclusively adapted only to keep their own newly-acquired Jewish and Gentile Christians from backsliding into their old beliefs. But, the most important lesson was to infiltrate the highest of political society, quietly subvert them with the new idea of this sect, and let nature take its course until your own "faith" has developed enough political power to "turn the table" and become the very tyrant that you had previously fought against.

This same practice has continued to this very day. The same is seen today in the development and growth of Scientology, using the same historical lessons -- gain control of the political system, then manipulate your own destiny. The written history of the United States of America proclaims that this land was settled by Europeans seeking religious freedom. The free right to believe something 'different' from the countries they had escaped. Yet, their very first action upon this new land, in search of religious tolerance, was to destroy the religions and the people who were in the land before they arrived. Then each "community" set up its own boundaries, to protect itself from the religious "differences" of every other growing "intolerant community". So much for the lesson of the "Golden Rule".

In fact, this argument of "the one and only God" exists only in the sibling religions of the "unholy trilogy". Almost every other major religious culture practices theologies with a multitude of gods and goddesses. Although these other religions still "fight" amongst themselves when brought into close proximity, they never fight over "do the gods and goddesses exist". One polytheistic religion may become intolerant, believing that their gods and goddesses are stronger and should rule, but they do not deny the existence of their enemies' gods. In that, at least, primitive religions practice more "religious tolerance" than the Judeo/Christian/Islamic mob mentality.

The second singularity of God's existence is His total omniscience and absolute good. These are not bad qualities to wish to believe in. However, in practice they tend to create the next duality of the religiously intolerant. Everything flows from God...but all bad comes from somewhere else. (Giving birth to the axiom: never say "always" or "never".) Now, where did this 'other' source come from? For lack of another word, we call this source Lucifer, whom we are taught was an angel (a minor god), in Heaven, with God... but who was purely evil. And we are taught that God created Lucifer, when He created the Heavens. So, in essence, pure evil came from God as well as pure love.

So, here are two problems. If all things flow from God, why doesn't He take responsibility for the bad? And, if Lucifer is the 'god' of evil, how can there be only one "God"? By logical progression then, if Lucifer came from God, then evil came from good... but if there is no evil in the good, where did the evil come from to begin with?

This is not just a game of semantics -- which is the artful ploy used by almost all theologians (and politicians), of all religions, to any challenge of their pure faith and doctrine. When called regarding these obvious obstacles to pure faith, most experts just huff and profess that such are "truths" and cannot be argued with, and that all such questions are just tricks to hinder the path of the faithful and confuse the unwary. Unfortunately, it is the experts who trick the faithful and confuse the unwary, teaching them to believe in what the "priesthood" has already determined to be "in their own best interest". When "blessed" with the power of God to back them, the priesthood can turn the simplest of things into a vast complicated web of political intrigue.

An excellent example of this is the Papal decree that all "good Catholics" shall eat fish on Friday. This has no Biblical or scriptural support. Instead, it arose during the Middle Ages, when the Catholic Church was the political master of the "known world". Having inherited, or purchased, several fishing fleets and canneries, the Vatican was going broke because fish was not the priority of most poor people. Therefore, it was a simple thing for the Pope to decree a new dogma, and, viola, the sell and profit from fish went up -- drastically. After a couple of hundred years, it was easy to teach the unaware that the practice was a "truly ancient" and "spiritual" practice demonstrating the faithful’s wonder in the miracle of the fish and loaves. The Church's argument is that the end justifies the means: it is more important to teach the congregation to "believe" in the apparent miracle, rather than to see who enjoyed the profitability in selling fish to them.

The game of semantics, however, is not limited to those religious zealots trying to protect their flimsy and naive positions. Atheists use such semantics to profess their "disbelief" in the reality of any religion. If no one can prove that God "does" exist, then it is obvious that He must "not" exist. Of course, this argument is absolutely no more intelligent than the one that says just because I believe in God, there He is. The practice of traditional dogma, regardless of the kind of circumstantial support, is not a real foundation for proving or denying that "any" god does or does not exist. Just because Democrats and Republicans are very poor at any attempt to practice democracy does not prove that it does not exist. It only proves that they cannot understand it.

In the same way, different religious sects and orders really teach what they "want" to believe, rather than what they "know" to be any truth. Everyone has a different view and understanding of what a god is, what a god does, and what a god expects. The only recognizable fact is that every sect has buried their essentials truths and teachings in so much ritual, costume, and publicity imaging that almost none of them can remember what they started with.

Very few 'theological experts' can teach any interpretation of any ancient scriptures without resorting to the traditional dogma they themselves were raised on. At the point where historical record reveals a challenge to imperious doctrine, the so-called expert discovers their own duality. Usually, they will immediately argue their own 'interpretation' over any effort to accept the facts presented to them. This is not to say that they have not recognized that their faith was based on arrogance rather than diffidence. They must never be seen by others as being anything less than "perfect".

This is not to accuse teachers of religious philosophy of not having studying the ancient scriptures, or in not being able to profess a certain knowledge therein. But, that their own interpretation of historical passages are biased by the dogma of their sectarian philosophy, not by the essential teachings of the Scriptures themselves. (Such examples are: Catholicism and Islam, which both flowed directly from Judaism, and have for two thousand years practiced mutually-desired proliferation to destroy their own history. Episcopalianism is a "religion" the existence of which was born only so a dictatorial and murderous political king could commit a religious "sin" with impunity. Mormonism exists only on the faith that one man "may or may not” have experienced a miracle from God’s messenger, or an Extra-terrestrial – depending upon your personal point of view.

In fact, the birth of almost all major religious sects is based on the perchance experience of one man to have experienced a divine event, from whose re-telling of that experience leads others to profess him “blessed” by the unseen hand -- of an unknown god. It is peculiar, though, that the talent of the storytelling determines the results. If the visit is from “an angel”, it is a message is blessed from God. If the visit is from “an indescribable stranger”, the message is a demonic possession. And, if the visit is from "beings from another planet", the message is psychotic delusion. Strangely enough, we can see other planets and stars… but, we can’t see Heaven and Hell. So, the former can’t exist, while the later two must? Oh, the mysteries of life!

It is unfortunate that the majority of sectarian bias is derived from dogma created by individuals who were more interested in the costume around the teaching and the political power that flowed from it, rather than the message in the teaching. The Holy Bible is replete with such examples. The Bible stories that we were taught as children were designed to teach us the rules of faith and behavior, using the heroes of the Bible as examples. Nothing wrong in that, but we were given "shortcut" versions of the stories, with things removed that might not support the bias we were being taught, or might appear superfluous to the storytelling. The most important example of this is Moses coming down the Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments.

Learning how the laws of God came unto Man is truly the most significant teaching of any religion. Just understanding that it took forty days for God to instruct Moses in only ten laws, demonstrates the very importance and significance of these laws. Outstanding amongst these laws is "thou shalt not kill". Yet, in the Scriptures we are taught that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai he was shocked to find his people again practicing the religion of their Egyptian masters, and was angry, destroying the gift from his god, and had to go back up and get the laws, again. What is overlooked in the dogma, though, is the fact that Moses had immediately killed over 3,000 people, for breaking a law they didn't even know existed, yet. In its very essence this Scripture tells us that Moses broke the law, to enforce the law. A crime for which he was punished for, by not being allowed to enter Jordan. But that fact compromises the traditional dogma of the lesson. Later in history, the same message was used by the fathers of the church to justify their own actions, such as three Crusades, the Inquisition, the devastating colonization of the Americas and Asia, and the continual war in the Middle East.

Then, again, sometimes we try to interpret passages of Scripture that don't apparently make "sense" the way they're written. Such as, God created the world in six days, Ezekiel flew in a chariot with the angels, Job survived in the belly of a whale, and Jesus fed a multitude with five fishes and a barrel of wine. Most times we only want to "believe" that we "know" exactly what the writer meant.

If we want to believe in the miracle, then words mean exactly what they say. If we want to challenge the miracle, then the words are comparative descriptions of something the writer could not find the correct words to explain. This is the premise of the arguments between Creationism and Evolution; Man is the only intelligent specie versus the existence of alien cultures; the traditional philosophical sciences versus the new techno-sciences; and, the "unholy trilogy" versus the rest of Mankind.

Miracles are the next singular duality. When Biblical characters, in the Holy Scriptures, performed certain actions these were distinctively "miracles". That is to say, they were actions that could only have been performed through the Grace and Blessing of God. When Biblical heroes professed to have spoken "directly" with God, there could be no challenge whatsoever. However, today, if anyone performs such a trick or is so bold as to proclaim a conversation with God, they are almost immediately denied proper consideration, and are normally locked up as psychologically delusional or demonically possessed by the Devil. The Bible itself, in Revelations, supposedly, supports the argument that only the "Anti-Christ" shall come forth with the power to do miracles. Unless, of course, the particular professor just happens to belong to the listener's personal sect, then it is a real "miracle" proving the validity of the sectarian philosophy by the Blessing of God. It is apparent, by traditional dogma, that God probably won't speak to anyone…regardless of the crisis.

Catholic "miracles" can exist, but only after they have been approved by the Papal Authority. And then, can never be challenged within or without the Church. These are very rare, but they do exist and they demonstrate more duality. 'I can call anything I want a miracle, but you can't call it anything else'. Saint Malachy, an Irish priest in 1190 AD, was "blessed" with future sight (what techno-scientists would call clairvoyance or psychic precognition -- if, of course, techno-scientists believed in such things). Visions of the Holy Mother Mary appeared, and were confirmed, in Fatima, Portugal, and Garabandal, Spain (what the scientists would call ghostly visitations, if they believed in that sort of thing). But the same Church won't recognize the right and privilege of Zen Masters to levitate (techno-scientists would probably call it levitation, too, if they could see it for themselves), as a sign of their pure faith in their religion.

The ultimate duality of any religion is, if the individual lives their life in accordance with the essential teachings of the faith practiced, the individual will achieve the ultimate reward, to live an eternal life with the god(s) believed in. But the interesting fact to be observed is that if the objective viewer examines the sectarian protocol for following those essential teachings, there is always much more ritual involved than what the appropriate god or goddess had set forth as required. Such value is placed on certain dogma that is not directly relative to the essential teachings, that the individual discovers upon self-reflection that they have not achieved any of the required behavior for the blessing that they have always strived so hard for.

One example of this philosophical loss is the discovery made by some former members of the sect, Jehovah Witnesses, that I have learned through personal experience with friends who have left this particular order. The Bible's essential teaching, in Revelations, is that when all of Mankind has had the opportunity to hear the Word of God, when the last individual has been taught the Word, then God will fulfill His promise to return and bring forth the Rapture and the End of Time. The membership of the Jehovah Witnesses believe that it is their calling to actively spread the Word of God upon the face of the Earth, to ensure that all of Mankind has the chance to learn the Word of God, until the final Rapture. Such is the essential teaching, but the sectarian practice of this message has overshadowed the essence, causing some members to become disillusioned.

They were taught that if they believed in the Word, and if they preached the Word, and all Mankind heard the Word, then they themselves would have earned the right to passage in the Rapture and sit at the throne of God in eternal life. They were also taught that many who they meet will not believe the Word, or will not heed the teaching, but it is not their responsibility to make others believe -- only to spread the Word. The sectarian dogma is, if they spread the Word they will be rewarded. So, in practice, the membership finds itself preaching the Word of God, not for its own sake, but for their own reward. Thus, they have forgotten the essential of another teaching, in the lessons of Jesus, on the Mount: when one does anything, no matter how noble, in expectation of one's own reward -- one has earned no reward in Heaven. Therefore, many members one day come to discover that they have dedicated their very lives to the essence of a lie. This becomes an emotional and spiritual trauma that destroys the emotional and spiritual faith of many individuals.

The point is not that the essence of being Jehovah Witness is right or wrong. The point is, if the teacher loses sight of the truth, the student loses everything. Teachers who teach what they "want to believe" rather than what they "know" to be the truth, they corrupt the very essence of what they profess. This leads, finally, to the last and ugliest singular duality of religion. That those who hold the ultimate responsibility -- the priesthood -- for teaching the truth, are the ones who are deliberately and knowingly practicing lies. They know that they have manipulated matters and situations to the point where if the real truth were ever learned, the positions they have created would be totally lost. The recent and publicized downfall of so many television evangelists only serves to reinforce this observation.

A simple example of this is the fact that the vast majority of believers, regardless of faith, do not actually read the text of the holy scriptures they proport to believe in. They receive their teaching from their parents, their tribal elders and the priesthood. Children are taught the stories in the edited version of bedtime stories. Teenagers ignore the repetitive lectures by repeating the bedtime stories. And, adults avoid reading the boring text, because they have heard all the stories, and their lives require many more, time-consuming, responsibilities.

This is demonstrated by Genesis 1:26-28: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” However, although this is the first chapter of the most important book in the world, it is not told as it is written. Instead…what if, what is written is read -- as it is written? God says, let us make Man in our image, then He makes both a Man and a Woman… isn’t it obvious that God was speaking to His Wife, and he made Woman in Her Image? Otherwise, our image would make Him make Men in their image.

Another description is used, Genesis 2: 19-25: Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the Man to see what he would name them; and whatever the Man called each living creature, that was its name (where did he find the word ‘platypus’?). So the Man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the Man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the Man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a Woman from the rib he had taken out of the Man, and He brought her to the Man. The Man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘Woman’, for she was taken out of Man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one flesh…”

The above Biblical descriptions clearly demonstrate the duality of the priesthood’s need to teach their interpretations rather than the truths. Genesis 1 describes God creating creatures from the clay of the earth, and spreading them all over the earth. This clearly indicates more than two creatures, regardless of gender; two individuals could not cover the earth, unless they were really, really big. The Hebrew Talmud does not address the quantity of creatures created, however, it does recognize the existence of one creature never addressed again, in the scriptures. They identified that creature as Lilith, a woman, who being born equal to the man, did not accept the social restriction of being considered second to him, or less than him. The Talmud goes on the describe that she was rebellious and continually argued by her status, to the point that God separated her from the man. But, Lilith was reported to have been allowed to keep her immortality.

In Genesis 2, God creates the Garden of Eden, obviously an elitist gated community, where He placed only one creature, Adam, and put him in charge of the garden. Then, realizing that the man was alone, God created another woman, from the man’s rib, and giving her the lower status than man. An interesting mis-conception, by all the experts, is that the “Man” created in Chapter 1 does not imply that “that” is Adam, whom God placed in the Garden. That assumption is just Hollywood-style compression of a potentially much longer story. In Chapter 1, God creates the whole world, and all the animals and plants, then creates Humans. Later, in Chapter 2, He creates the Garden of Eden, and then selects Adam, presumptively the best Man, to be the caretaker of the garden (relatively a submissive job).

As well, the new science of ancestral DNA testing has created an unexpected challenge. If Adam existed, and Eve was created from his rib, then they both share identical DNA. If, following that scenario, they then produced Cain and Abel (be natural methodology), then they would also share identical DNA with their parents. So, now, the question of where Cain and Abel’s wives came from is definitively more important.

These descriptions demonstrate that the writers of the Bible were not telling any stories they had personal knowledge of, rather were writing the stories based on oral history passed down man-to-man. Reinforcing a man’s authority over his womenfolk, and belittling them for speaking up for themselves. And, this fact is reinforced by the Talmud, and other Hebrew texts, which believe in concept Moses drafted the first five books, known to the world as The Torah. Based on language studies, hand-writing studies, and later historical records, it is accepted that Moses did not write every word of each of the Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, however, he did outline and draft these texts, based on both his Egyptian education and his later Hebrew education…many generations after the original events.

In ancient times knowledge and history passed very slowly from one land to another. An individual or group with the proper motivation and inspiration could create any belief they felt would provide them with power and wealth. The truth traveled so slowly it might be several generations before any of the "congregation" learned that their lives were based on lies. But, now, in the age of instant knowledge and televised truth, secrets are "hard as hell" to keep secret. Even vast wealth and political power, in a small region, cannot prevent the information from flowing in to the congregation and out to others. Not only religions, but our governments and corporations are collapsing because the secrets they could once protect against disclosure, are now the subject of the daily newspaper and the evening television news broadcast. Just examine the rapid collapse of the American tobacco industry, because its “secret” experimentation with nicotine to addict an entire, worldwide population of smokers. The American government's sell of drugs to support covert operations in Latin American countries. Middle Eastern countries which sponsorship of fundamentalist religious schools, to create brain-washed followers willing to die for their teachers, and their corrupted interpretation of their Scriptures.

Another example of the power of secrecy, and its eventual damage, is the vast library within the Papal Offices in the Vatican. For nearly two thousand years the Church in Rome has collected, and kept in secret vaults, the written works and philosophy from every country and culture it has expanded into and eventually destroyed. Burning, destroying and banning all other reproductions and copies of such works. Within the walls of that library are the true teachings of such "lost" cultures and the Mayan, Inca, Aztec, and the Celts, as well as, "unedited" versions of Hindu, Buddhist, Zen, and several African tribal religions. As well as the diaries and records of the Catholic priests who traveled out and experienced all those lost worlds. Volumes of ideas, thoughts, beliefs and essential teachings which, had they been left available to the public, would have prevented the political spread of Catholicism and thus Christianity throughout the world. Originally proclaimed as heretical profanity, these texts were really used to understand the cultures they were conquering, so that their own "Christian" views could be adapted to explain the mysteries and wonders of the native populations.

Now, the Vatican Library of the Catholic Church serves as one of the few remaining bastions of Mankind's true heritage. And, should remember that they now stand in the way of future growth, the same way the Great Library of Alexandria stood in their way. The last singularity of any religion is the requirement to destroy everything of previous lives. Since the awesome accomplishments of young Alexander the Great, it has been the policy of every "conquering" nation to destroy the culture of every subjugated people. Burning texts, killing and torturing teachers, destruction of cultural buildings, and hunting down those who continue to practice the cultural rituals of the former nation. It is a personal view of this author that any individual or group that finds this is the "acceptable" way to do business is nothing more than a coward. A coward who knows, from the beginning, that what they offer any other people is just another lie.

The very first Christians, including Peter and Paul, must have argued very convincingly that "being Christian" wasn't denying being Jewish. Jesus was a Jew, and He taught the ancient Scriptures. Being Christian was just a step closer to being a "real Jew". Then they had to change their "pitch" to bring in the Gentiles. Being Christian wasn't really being Jewish, it was only following a blessed teacher who demonstrated miraculous powers. Eventually the time came when, the leaders of Christianity had to start teaching the congregations that this new sect, Christianity, was not only better -- all other "religions" were criminal (Constantine, 325 AD). Coming full circle from intolerable minor cult to intolerant major cult.

Chapter 1: The Introduction

A small cluster of children gathered around a warm, brick-framed fireplace. The cavern was long and wide, yet comfortably lit by the blazing logs and stones. An aged, wizened old man sits cross-legged on a three-legged stool, near the fire. The glow of the fire flickers across his face, enhancing the wrinkles with deep shadows.

“Kosh?” The elder spoke. “Can you count to ten?”

“Of course, Brane.” One young man spoke, pridefully. “Even if I could not inside my own head, I have ten fingers to remind me.”

“If I asked you to count to one thousand, could you achieve that?” The elder inquired.

“Of course.” The boy replied, then added carefully. “But, Brane, I do not wish to do such long homework!” The other children giggled. The teacher smiled.

“It is not a task, young man. It is a question.” Brane replied, then to all the class, “Can you all grasp how many times Kosh would have to count his fingers to reach one thousand?” Readily all the children nodded in the affirmative, some making groaning noises from imagining such a task. “Well, now, imagine doing that eight times more.” All the children groaned.

“That is how long finger for every year...that we could look back in time, and find words written by other men. We could find prayers and songs, laws and contracts, even stories for children. We had the ability to understand what those people lived like, even though those people had no children left to speak with us.”

“Their ancestors spoke with the shamans?” Trinka asked. A large girl for her age, Trinka generally impressed the other children with her ability to take charge of their activities.

“So the shamans would say.” Brane answered, noncommittally. “But, we didn’t need to depend on the shamans to interpret their own dreams through mantras.” He added sardonically. “We had the written words, and the elders who spent their whole lives learning to read words written by tongues no one had ever heard.”

“Then how did you know they were speaking earnest words?” Trinka asked, challenging her teacher because of the earlier rebuke.

“Whereas the shamans’ words are theirs alone,” Brane began, “written words could be studied and interpreted by many others. Each added new words, changed meanings of old words, and expanded the understanding. But all could agree on the fundamentals of the words. This is the essence of good teachings. When teaching provides the ability to study, to contemplate, to experience, and to comprehend, that is enlightened education. When teaching is the imposed, unquestioned, unchallenged dictation of self-interest, that is abusive intolerance.” The elder paused, more in thought than effort.

“Why didn’t all these... cultures... continue?” Moffa asked, breaking the silence.

“That is the question every other culture has asked, and why we are talking about them right now.” The ancient man answered. “These we have spoken of thought of themselves as great nations and great cultures. Even those who followed them, friend and foe, would acknowledge their achievements. Yet, all of them eventually failed and died. All professed to be right and righteous. Yet, all of them were destroyed by others who found little truth in their boasting.”

“That is exactly why we sit inside this mountain, isn’t it?” Trinka stated. “Because America thought it was right, and it wasn’t.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Brane replied. “America came to believe that its five hundred years of civilization, two hundred years of nationalism, and single century of technological success made it the ultimate culture on Earth. And, that made it ripe for the plucking. The signs were present, the warnings were obvious...but, arrogance and bravado are powerful intoxicants... numbing the body, the mind, and the soul.”

I originally began this project only to answer, for myself, two questions: does God really exist? And, if so, what of the prophecies associated with the idea of the "end of time". Born the son of an undertaker, I was raised on the "fringe" of social acceptance (few people liked having someone that close to the dead hanging around their parties), while indoctrinat­ed in the fundamentalist Christian preaching of both the Assembly of God and the Southern Baptist sects. I became seriously interested in the "threat" of the crisis that is anticipated at the promised end of time. All of those older than me appeared extremely distressed that they wouldn't be ready, in time, for their place in the final act.

As a child, I believed that my teachers understood what they believed. But as I grew up I learned that they not only didn't understand it, they weren't even sure that they believed it. And, absolutely none of them had even the smallest idea of what would really happen when it did happen, if it would happen, or what they were really going to do about it as it happened -- because they had never really understood anything that had happened before.

I was totally enthralled by a concept that overwhelmed every aspect of my life, but which had almost no reality to base itself on. Death is not final, it is merely the beginning of a new life. The Church taught life-after-death. The bereaving families who were the clients of my father's business needed to believe that there was more. Even the "exotic" religions I had learned of in history class had rules for it. But no one could agree on what that next life is.

The Unholy Trilogy propagate that we live only one single physical existence, then we move on into a universal existence with God. But no Jew, no Christian, and no Moslem has ever gone there and returned to prove their belief (according to the experts). Yet, they are willing to condemn anyone who doesn't believe their authority, and pompous flummery. Almost every other recognized religion and faith believes that there is more than one physical universe, and each individual has the ability to be physically re-born, again and again. The Unholy Trilogy proclaim their explanation by arguing that the individual must be spiritually re-born, while in this life, to protect themselves against the possibility that the trilogy just might be right.

They had been very strict in trying to teach me that "faerytales" were not real, so don't "believe" in them. But, their Bible teachings were real, so I "must believe" these stories. Their Heaven does exist, but the Hindu Nirvana could not exist. Their prophets are real, but anyone else who professes to be a spiritual teacher is possessed by the Devil. Their spiritual trilogy does exist, but all the gods and goddesses, of all the other religions, cannot exist -- and not because there is practical proof of such non-existence, but simply because they say they don't exist. (If I close my eyes, then the world will go away, and I won't have to face the truth.)

I could relate to the Ten Commandments. They are basically sound and practical rules for proper behavior, excellent principles for an honest life, just like following the "Golden Rule", or saying "yes, sir" or "no, ma'am". Yet, I observed that hardly anyone, even my teachers, ever really practiced more than one third of any of these rules and laws. Why? If they were really so worried about their afterlife, why didn't they believe in it enough to truly practice it? I even took the time to study the most popular television evangelists, (including such "greats" as Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Swaggart, Robert Schuler and Joel Osteen). And while their voices say "believe and follow", and while their preaching style invigorate even the most skeptic listener, many of their lifestyles and practices (the real image they portray to the world) had almost no relationship to their words. Those that had not outright been caught committing such "sins" as they were known to preach against, their luxurious and flamboyant lifestyles bespeak Roman extravagance rather than Christian austerity. Each tell their congregation to revel in the poverty of their lack of material goods, for in such is the revelation of the golden afterlife…in Heaven. Yet, everyone of them are getting their "gold" in this life…just in case.

I was fascinated that so many people could "believe" something so strongly that they didn't have to "practice" their faith. And they could even preach things that had I said them someone would have taken a switch to me. How could someone "preach" the Golden Rule (to do unto others as you would have them do unto you) and daily "practice" the Inquisition, through racism, bigotry, greed, and avarice. I had been taught that the Inquisition had belonged to a time when "medieval" man lived in a period of Dark Ages where the whole world lived in fear of real demonic monsters. But studying history taught me that the whole of the Inquisition was a political monster designed to destroy anyone who was different from the "ruling class" (the Catholic Church, eventually followed unsantimoniously by every other Christian sect, the Hebrews, and the Moslems in their turn). Under the disguise of other titles, the Inquisition has occurred in almost every age, by almost every culture, and within every recorded nation, from the Sumerians and Mayans to the Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, to today when the Southern Baptist Convention in the United Stated has re-established its "blessed" responsibility to convert the Jews -- in Israel. And, now the Democrats and Republicans are doing the same, accusing the followers of the other Party to be demonic criminals – because freedom of thought is now a crime, against my right to be the right opinion.

You didn't have to do anything wrong in the Dark Ages to become the victim of the Inquisition, you only had to be "different". Then I witnessed those who professed to be my "teachers" use the same tools (torture, burning homes and crosses, and murder) on others "just because" they were "different", or believed in something my teachers thought to be "sinful". These sins were just natural things such as 1) being born a different color, 2) being raised a "different" religion, 3) speaking a different language, or 4) choosing to like "different" people.

All of these "differences" seemed to be the point of trying to teach me the Golden Rule, to honor and respect all persons because they were "different". Suddenly, I came to the self-realization that the subversive point was to impress upon me that I should only respect those people who were the same as me -- that the Golden Rule didn't apply to people who were different. That fact made me understand that I was "different", therefore, I was a target for my own "supposed hatred".

I never did learn how I could follow the Golden Rule and hate those I was taught to target. Nor could I learn how to hate those I was supposed to, without hating myself. This duality was reflected in my own personal life. My father, and my paternal grandmother (an Assembly of God minister), were fundamentalists and southern white. My mother, and my maternal grandfather (a Southern Baptist by community law only), were American Indians (Choctaw). In the preaching from the pulpit, I was to honor my father and my mother, and to love my neighbor as myself. But in their teachings from the Bible class, I was suppose to deny my mother because she wasn't of "pure blood" and "Christian teachings". How was I supposed to honor my mother and deny her, at the same time? Something was fundamentally wrong about the teachings -- but no one could see that except me. So, obviously, there had to be something wrong with me -- not the teachings.

That set me on the path of studying every major religion, political system, and cultural environment. And what I learned from this journey allows me to understand the nightly evening news, without any shock, morose, or ambivalence. Every major "lifestyle" holds the same "essential teachings" (laws of human nature that should be followed) and the same "practical deniability" (rules for excusing misuse and total disregard of the essential teachings, to satisfy one's own actions).

When, as a young man, I spoke with my maternal grandfather about the “real world”, he would just laugh and tell me to stop taking that “thing” so seriously. He said that when he was a young man, the white man called him an injun, when the social revolution of the 60s arrived, he was called an American Indian. He lived just long enough to be called a Native American. But, he laughed, because the white man would never get it right – he was Choctaw. The white man called all the natives of this land as “Indians”, because they got lost, and thought they had landed in Asia. Then, the white man blanketed all the tribes as “Indians”, and now “Native Americans”. But, what the white man will never awaken to, the truth, that every tribe in this land was just as “civilized” as the white man. The Iroquois hated the Algonquin. The Mohawk hated the Mohican. The Montauk hated the Narragansett. The Cherokee originally hated the Seminole, then got moved to Oklahoma and hated the Plains Indians. The Lakota hated the Blackfoot, and the Sioux. The Navajo hated the Hopi. The Comanche hated everyone. And, The Apache had so many smaller clans, they hated themselves. And, that’s only twenty-five percent of the known tribal clans. Grandfather said it was so tragic, everyone had to laugh.

This text is the result of that realization, with the overwhelming understanding that its writing won't change "the real world". But, perhaps, it might give one other searcher the peace-of-mind that... you aren't really crazy… it is really the world around you that is. Only the reader who can see their own flaws, and is willing to open their minds to the spirit of a new truth will ever finish reading this text. Perhaps you won't agree with the author -- that is not the goal. The goal is to make you see what has always been right in front of you, but because of some traditional dogmatic "tunnel vision" you have refused to acknowledge its presence. There truly is much more in the world than has ever been understood in your philosophy. With apologies to Mr. Shakespeare.

For untold centuries people have theorized and prophesized on the imminent coming of the end of the world. Each based their personal beliefs on the recent events of their times and the recorded prophecies from their own ancestors. This, too, is such a work. The significant difference with this text is that it does not suffer what this author refers to as "apparent tunnelvision". Others have tried to make the end fit into their preferred version of how it should end, and who should win when it does. They made the material support their view, instead of formulating their view to support the material. I believe that the material supports itself, and that a view should be constructed to accept all the facts. Each reader is only expected to read the information, hear the arguments for and against, then come to their own conclusions, and evaluations.

The need of this text is to demonstrate the facts that prove that something strange and awesome IS going to happen, and probably very soon. No matter what your background is, if you listen to the material and examine the evidence then you will be required to accept the premise -- that there is a potential for truth in this essay. Then, lastly, you will be required to make a decision: how do you intend to face the surprises already being revealed for this new century?

Religious zealots have threatened to total destruction of the world, over and over again, for three thousand years. Each new political crisis, or heavy weather pattern, or astronomical alignment brings new proclamations of total annihilation. Unfortunately, these predictions have never come to pass, so the general public looks upon all who profess such theories as "not playing with a full deck". Some of which will apply the same tag to this author's work. The greatest loss due to these failed prophecies is that, as a Society and a Specie, Man cannot believe in or accept the possibility of his own destruction and, therefore, will never do anything positive to prevent it.

The record of my enlightenment journey cannot be laid down in the exact, pristine chronological path in which the path is walked. Because at each step of the way there are questions which lead to certain sources of research, and each question answered leads to a new question. However, many questions have really been resolved by other researchers, whose material is only now coming to the forefront. Even though the results of their research is actually older than the questions I discovered on my path. To record my journey along the time-line traveled would create such a whirlpool of dead-ends and lost-in-the-woods that the point might never be reached by the reader. Therefore, I have created this record in accordance with the law of geometric science, the shortest path between two points is a straight line (unless you live on the outside of a spherical spiritual hole, then it might be an arc).

Timeline: Real vs Sitchin & Cayce

3314 AD Sitchin Time Estimate of Next Pass of Nibiru (every 3,500 yrs)

2012 AD Cayce Estimate of Polar Shift & End of Culture (missed this one)

[lines of history out from this point up or down]

33 BC Birth of Jesus & the Star of David (Sitchin - Nibiru)

100 BC Roman Empire

344 BC Alexander Conquers the Middle East

410 BC Plato writes Critias & Tritias / RE: Atlantis

500 BC Golden Age of Greece

550 BC First Persian Empire (Achaemenids)

586 BC Babylon destroys Jerusalem (loss of the Ark of the Covenant)

1446 BC Life of Moses (Son of Akhenaten) / Exodus

1445 BC Moses directing the original draft of the Torah

1500 BC History of the Phoenicians / the People of the Sea

2555 BC Sphinx, traditional date

3000 BC Sumer, first known civilization, with proto-writing

3100 BC Stonehenge (traditional date)

3467 BC Sitchin Time (estimated pass of Nibiru)

6967 BC Sitchin Time (estimated pass of Nibiru)

10,000 BC Lost of Atlantis per Plato

10,467 BC Sitchin Time (estimated pass of Nibiru)

10,500 BC Meteor Shower / End of Ice Age / Construction of Sphinx (due to water damage)

450,000 BC 1 Estimate of origin of O.A.C. (Native American Shaman Dreams)

800,000 BC 2 Estimate of origin of O.A.C. (Australian Shaman Dreamtime)

The hypothesis of ETs creating Man as a slave species is still too vague to argue, at this time. However, enough discoveries have move forward to acknowledge that there was a technologically advanced civilization in existence at the end of the last Ice Age. And, was destroyed at that time. The result of which was to turn that civilized world into a vast mess of small units, reduced to the remnants of tribal cave dwellers. This is not silly guessing.

For the past eighty years our own modern civilization has lived in fear of a similar fate.. ours, of course, caused by radiation from an all-out nuclear war. If you can imagine the chaos to our world, it is not so hard to see the results of the same happening 12,000 years ago. Which explains why so many questions we ask now are explained by this hypothesis: a) why architecture reflects the same characteristics all around the world; b) why many languages have the same sounds for similar words or statements; c) why myths and legends are the same, even by cultures without any “obvious” connection or association. One thing is not covered, why science cannot explain any of this. However, the fundamental aspects of human nature does cover it, more than adequately.

Why are there so many racial colors in the human species? Again, whether ET’s are involved or not, Someone or Some Thing manipulated the DNA of ancient hominids to produce these differences. Traditional anthropologists argue that the color of racial groups is based on solar exposure to their particular land mass. Science, as we know it, says that homo sapiens (modern Man) first began in South Africa, then moved (slowly) north, out of Africa, through the Middle East, around the Mediterranean Sea, into Europe, and further East into Asia. Based on our limited Science, this sounds viable. But not completely true.

A better explanation is more practical, but much less altruistic. That, using Sitchin’s hypothesis, the O.A.C. (whether Human or ET) needed, or just wanted, lots of gold. But, in true human nature, they were too lazy to dig for it themselves…so, they designed the opportunity to create a slave species, to do the hard labor for them. However, such a culture would also be an elitist culture, within and without their own people. Therefore, it is reasonable to accept that this culture, like own, assigned regional magistrates (or warlords) to different planetary geography, then produced their slave products by color, by ownership, or by geographic location, so that all owners would readily recognize whose particular product was involved in any specific event. (Just like we buy cars, by color & style). This could also be differentiated by timelines. If ETs are involved, each pass of Nibiru would specifically limit the time and opportunity to mine minerals. Therefore, a different geographic location could be identified, and different “models” of products employed to achieve the mining process.

Assume the new discoveries in Antarctica do represent the O.A.C., as it was, a sub-tropical continent before it was moved to the South Pole. The first mining expedition would have been to the closest resource – South Africa. Then, as mineral sources diminished, the culture moved north, in search of new minerals, eventually travelling completely around the world. Until a polar shift was probably caused by the meteor shower at the end of the Ice Age. Such an isolated landmass could have spawned a full culture, just as the British Isle created a worldwide culture. But, when it was discovered that the continent was being flash frozen by the shift, all survivors bailed in all directions, to establish new regimes separated by time, geography, and technology.

The potential for a worldwide shipping operation provides an estimation that the origin of the Phoenicians included the survivors of the O.A.C. And, assuming the Phoenicians had planetary access is NOT a guess. Bronze copper came to Europe from mines in Minnesota and Michigan. Tobacco nicotine went to ancient Egypt from ancient Peru and Chile. These two facts, alone, prove that somebody knew the world was spherical, and had access to the vast majority of it. And, since no one challenged the Phoenicians title, the People of the Sea, until the Vikings in the seventh century AD, validates their overwhelming mastery.

Presence of Nibiru:

Zechariah Sitchin’s translations of Sumerian texts creates the theory of the Annunaki, the space culture from the Planet Nibiru (approximately the size of Neptune), who travel to the Earth about every 3,500 years, as their planet passes close to the center of the solar system. Obviously, to shop for minerals and other supplies, before moving back out to the vast emptiness of their orbit. The fact that Cal Tech was able, in 2017, to mathematically validate that a new, unidentified planet does exist out there in the vast emptiness of our solar system, does not prove the theory established by Sitchin… however, it does validate the many reasons to research and study the question.

But, for now, let’s just work on the premise that it “could” be real. First, we have to validate that Sitchin’s timeframe is accurate. In our experience 3,500 years seems like a very, very long time – considering that equals 70% of our known history. Yet, after 4.5 billion years, our scientists are skeptical because of the implication that the two planets should have collided several times in the length of time. However, that is reasonable, but not practical. Consider the annual orbits of the nine “inner” planets (and for this discussion, I included Pluto is it’s traditional position as a real planet), and their relative speeds. Allow for Nibiru’s orbital plane and speed. Then, you can go to Las Vegas, and get odds on how many times this tenth planet “should” have crashed into Jupiter, before crashing into something the size of Earth. Eventually, it will hit one of us.

So, let’s accept (and be very thankful) that such an event hasn’t occurred, yet. But, considering the vast number of orbits since the beginning (approx. 128,000 times), it has to be accepted that many, many times the orbits of Nibiru and Earth had to be at the far extremes of their relativity. And that many, many times Nibiru past the orbital plane of Earth, after we had pass the point of contact, to that they only “pushed” each other geo-magnetically in passing. In many, many times, Nibiru arrived in front of Earth, and “pushed” us backwards in our orbit (slowing our orbital speed), and causing various earthquakes and volcanoes, etc. Then, occasionally, passing close enough to create polar shifts and various geological eruptions – on both planets.

The fact that our physical scientists have no such evidence of these things does not hold water. The fact that such evidences occur only every 3,500 years, only implies that we could have experienced this, at best, twice since we created written history. And, since we cannot, yet, validate the accurate location and specific path of Nibiru’s orbit, we have no valid estimate of the relative closest of the past three passings. The closest guesstimate of a record of Nibiru’s passing, is the Star of David in 33 BC, and so many experts still argue this potential event. However, for the sake of our discussion, if the Star of David was the actual passing for Nibiru, we can mathematically estimate the distance (near Jupiter’s orbit), the direction of travel (southeast to northwest – travelled by the three wise men, from Babylon to Jerusalem), and the speed (based on the Biblical story of several months in visual range). Using just this much information, several Universities should be able to draft the algorithm that would project backwards and forwards, to estimate the real-time orbit of Nibiru throughout history, just like all the other planets.

The Akashic Records:

Edgar Cayce predicted that there were libraries hidden by the Atlanteans: one beneath the ground, in a passage between the right paw of the Sphinx and the river Nile; one in the Yucatan – collapsed during the great chaos, but the Temple of Iltar will arise again; and, one in the area of Bimini Island (close to the Bimini Road, discovered in 1968, in the ocean). But, these would be physical records established by the O.A.C., has historical records of the mundane environment (history, math, philosophy).

However, there is the much more esoteric library known as the Akashic Records, which is connected to and received through metaphysical avenues (such as meditation, telepathy, dreams, etc)…this library is traditionally accepted to connect the individual to the entire existence of the Universe. Up to this time, the Akashic Records have been described and promoted as an inter-dimensional location where only those especially trained or talented can achieve. There is, now, a new hypothesis to be considered.

This author, now, believes that much research will be called for to establish the foundation for this hypothesis. But, that research is necessary, and valid. In a recent lecture, I learned about the Schumann Resonance at 7.8 Hertz, and the correlated frequencies which have been researched and validated, since 1952. The lecture was intended to convince the audience that the existence of the Schumann Resonances, and their physical effects on the human brain, explains the supposed visions and paranormal experiences of patients, as the result of electrical or magnetic (EMF) interference with brain functions, resulting in non-validated experiences.

Just hearing the lecture, I realized that the presenter missed the real target by several inter-dimensional stargates. First, I will consent to the argument that the S.R. frequencies have an effect on particular biological systems, as a whole, not just on the brain. Yet, the presenter, and their supported research teams, all made one significant error, they did not separate these systems into their real functional behaviors… the mind, as well… not just the brain alone. The brain and the mind are two separate functional entities… just as the heart and the spirit are two separate entities… this is not a metaphysical fantasy… anyone who has paid the smallest amount of attention to these four human aspects, have realized (whether they admit it publicly or not) that brain function (spatial and non-conscious behavioral aspects) is quite different from mind functions (thought, consciousness, imagination, symbolism)…just as physical heart functions (the pumping machine) are separately different from the emotional ramifications (love, hate, compassion, jealousy, bliss, depression) of the same being.

The fact that using physical scientific techniques to manipulate the Schumann Resonance frequencies, which are located in a spherical area between the atmosphere of Earth and the ionosphere, like a thin layer of fudge in a birthday cake, results in particular effects. An assumption that the act “creates” the effect, is merely individual prejudice, or lack of imagination. The physical act of making the connection produces the avenue which can be travelled, the effect is the mind making the connection with the Akashic Records – without understanding the connection. It is obvious that continual practice in making this connection would lead the individual to the further fact, that the information travels both ways, and that they can communicate with the Records, and learn what the O.A.C. anticipated them to need to know.

Physical science experiments with these frequencies have resulted in assumptions that such frequencies can be created by lightning, static electric discharges, magnetic field static discharges, and other similar power build-ups. The scientists, then, assumed that the discharges effect the electro-magnetic functions of the neurons in the brain, and generates non-local illusions or hallucinations. What if their wrong? What if the discharge is simply the non-focused static discharge between two like EMF fields (the same way that wool sweaters or carpet discharge to bio-fields near them.

The historical, and recurrent, fact that so many individuals contribute their science, arts, and theoretical achievements are the result of “being blessed” by an outside force, implies immediate questions which have never been asked: a) what was the weather, the night you dreamed your achievement; b) what was your health at that time; c) how much time was consumed by your participation in this connection.

Hindu and Buddhists monks, Native American shamans, meditative mediums, etc., all profess that they generate a power field around themselves that reaches out and touches a greater power source. This has always been the description, and the description has always been denounced by physical scientists. Even though, many of those same scientists, as well as emperors, kings, and dictators, have spent their lives trying to reproduce the effects. Theologists have professed this power source is mystical and has Universal existence. Shamans profess it comes from the stars in the universe. Amateurs profess it comes from “somewhere” out there. In fact, all of them are correct, in their small an in-specific ways. Out there is away from the planet’s surface, just not as far away as another star…yet.

This author does NOT profess that I am the first to realize this connection, just the first to express it. It is now obvious that the U.S. government has known for quite some time. The HARRP project in Alaska is now an obvious component of their efforts to “master” the Records. The HARRP project has always expressed itself as an experimental project to “study” the ionosphere…with the rest of the world theorizing that HARRP was designed as a weather manipulation weapon, the real team had years to study the static electric radiation of this narrow band of frequencies. Recognizing that the lightning involved with the energy levels of the radiation belt, government staff could employ a wide range of experimental activities, including weather management, focusing the lightning on target imaging, and even emotional and spiritual accessibility to the broader Universe. It is even reasonable to believe that the U.S. government was led to this avenue of research from their previous experimental activities in Montauk, New York.

However, recognizing the self-centered, greedy, and arbitrary nature of governments, including the United States, their focus was on how to weaponize the brainwave patterns learned and studied. Discovering that they could not weaponize these patterns, any more than they could control the weather manipulation exercises, the government closed the HARRP site, allowing the un-initiated to believe they had stopped the government from weaponizing the weather, without disclosing any of their testing on emotional or spiritual patterns – successful or not.

Although this sounds magical, in the words of Arthur C. Clarke, “any technology far enough advanced would appear as magic”. However, now, we have to begin to accept the argument of ancient astronauts coming to this planet, and leaving a local library for future descendants. But, this library is not isolated; it is, in fact, connected to the rest of the Universe, like the internet. The spherical power source that originally generated the S.R. Resonances, and filled the library with charged neutrons, created a management source that the sphere is charged by the planet’s rotational EMF. And, this field also provides a connection to the rest of the Universe through the Solar EMF, connected to the Galactic EMF. This all sounds very vague and farfetched, however, my job was to draw the map…someone else’s job will be to actually map the journey.

The two points in regard to this text are the facts versus the dogma. The straight line is the law that facts are those things that don't change just because you don't want to believe in them, and dogma are those things you want to believe in regardless of the facts. An example of this is witnessing our sun's daily behavior. The fact is that the sun will come up in the east every morning and go down in the west every night. The dogma "was" that the sun went around the earth. The dogma "is" that the earth goes around the sun. That fact exists regardless of what we want to believe -- the sun rises and sets the same way day after day after day. The dogma of which comes first is biased by the apparent accumulation of knowledge that we have collected, at any particular time in history. Before Copernicus, the educated world believed that the earth was flat, and the sun traveled around the earth. Then Copernicus and others taught us that the earth was round, but it traveled around the sun. But...the ancient Greeks already knew that the earth was round (they created the story of Atlas carrying the globe on his shoulders). And the ancient Egyptians knew that the sun was the center of their universe (otherwise, their mathematical formulae would never have made any sense). The real questions are: When did Man stop believing that the earth was round and the sun was the center of the solar system? What made Man take that path? And, lastly, which "does" go around the other? (Inquiring minds really do want to know.)

Other facts versus dogma are such as:

1) The planet is four point five billion years old versus it was created at 9 o'clock in the morning. on October 12, 4004 BC (did God know it was BC?);

2) Creationism versus Evolution (both have their problems);

3) all humans are of the same specie having identical biology and potential versus only white people can make proper decisions;

4) ecology is a delicate balance versus that's a fine philosophy as long as it doesn't interfere with the profits of big business;

5) the United States practices the separation of church and state versus the dogma that it applies to every religion/ philosophy so long as they adhere to the laws of a strict fundamentalist Christian order;

6) God is Universal Love versus He only loves those who kill unbelievers;

7) the Sphinx was originally damaged by water versus traditional Egyptology which says the Sphinx isn't old enough to have seen water;

8) Dolphins have been recorded, throughout history, saving humans during sea accidents, dogs and cats have saved their owners during calamities, several orders of birds can talk versus Man is the only intelligent specie in the universe;

9) there are artificially constructed monuments on the planet Mars versus Man is the only intelligent specie in the universe (and he's never traveled to Mars).

Did these examples confuse you as much as they initially confused me? Then, you are probably trying to disregard the facts and justify the dogma. I know, I tried for a long time before I realized that the facts couldn't be changed by my arguments. But my dogmatic views changed with the introduction of every bit of new information. Every time I learned something knew, or different, I had to rewrite my dogma to justify my place in the universe. Finally, I realized that dogmas are basically lies, and lies are what most people base their whole lives on. If you disagree, get ready for a big surprise...."there [really] is more in the world than is spoken of in your philosophy." (from HAMLET, by William Shakespeare)

Religion is the largest, single-most imposing subject to which Mankind must continually address itself. Since the first men stood on their hindlegs and looked into the night skies, we have wondered what is out "there"? What is inside ourselves? And, how does all the world work? It is so vast, and so wonderful, and so curious, and so complicated, none of it could have occurred without help. But where did that help come from?

What made the first individual assume that Nature could not have done all that was done without outside help? There were no signatures left behind. No artist ever put his, or her, initials on an evening sunset. No mathematician has ever been able put a formula to why the stars were in the sky... though, Stephen Hawking was still trying to. No biologist ever accepted the Nobel Prize for creating the "first" amino-acid chain (they did accept it for "discovering" that amino-acid chains already existed -- therefore, I would like to accept the Nobel Prize for manipulating all the words in this thesis -- even though I didn't invent any of them). So what arrogance gave Man the right to believe that he was the most important creation in a universe he had absolutely no power to contribute anything to?

Our first argument comes between Creationism and Evolution. Evolution states that there is no "supreme intelligence" in the birth, growth, and eventual death of the universe. Creationism states that there is evidence of some "intelligent engineering", therefore, God exists. Both are fundamentally wrong. There is plenty of physical and archeological evidence to show the presence of some "intelligent engineering", and much of the basic "assumptions" of Evolution such as the lack of the presence of "development stages" of specie development, delude the superiority of Evolutionism. However, the "jumped to" conclusion by Creationism that the presence of some intelligent engineering proves the "act of God", is not substantiated either.

Instead, using the arguments that do support both sides, and cancel out each other, there is a third, more practical hypothesis. That there has been periodic "introduction" of "intelligent engineering" into the genetic laboratory. But the aftermath of these periodic introductions have been limited, area specific, and not perfect. The appearance of the same genetic patterns, and artificial constructions, in totally different places, at different times demonstrates "area specific". The presence of particularly peculiar species, such as in Australia, demonstrates that not every experiment has been "perfect". And "perfection" is the last argument for "God".

Even considering the absolute wonders of birth, mental dexterity, and individual accomplishments of men, Man, and Mankind, these do not definitively prove the presence of "God". They circumstantially prove the presence of "intelligent engineering" against the background of the original specie(s) available, but the result is less than "perfect". And the arguments that Man's own social behavior prevents him from being "perfect" is not substantial to some basic assumptions of "being made in the image of God". Modern Man and Ancient Man suffer some to the same physical evidence that proves that the "engineering" was less than perfect; such as, by age forty both suffer the breakdown and loss of their teeth (was God toothless?), the genetic applications of testosterone and estrogen have too many "side effects" to have been perfect applications (why would God make us to breakdown so damn easily?), both Men are totally, and violently, tribal (is God really that territorial?).

It is the single identifying characteristic of every human social group to develop its own, or collect around it a particular religious/ philosophical train of thought. And the very central theme of every one of these social groups is that there is some singularity, some unidentifiable super power or supreme being that as proclaimed that particular group to be the single-most important organization -- in the entire Universe. Not just on some remote island, or in a small specific mountain valley, or on an insignificant blue-green planet from a backwater star of a mediocre solar system at the far end of one arm of a mundane galaxy, near the living end of one small universe in a multitude of unclaimed universes. No, no, this now blessed social group is the greatest living body ever produced throughout the whole of the known and unknown Universe. And, yet, the mentally ill are accused of being delusionary and grandiose?

In the beginning of each philosophical birth, the founding membership of a particular sect comes to believe that that which they were raised and taught has been found to have significant flaws and irreconcilable differences. They, therefore, strive to identify and modify those patterns which have been found to deviate from the proper essential teachings. At first this new subgroup must defiantly and bravely stand firm upon its foundation of adaptive truth, against the brutality and horrors of its own past. And, as time develops, each succeeding generation from this group comes to be indoctrinated into the rituals and traditions of its sectarian proclamations. And the older the sect, the easier for new generations to believe the dogma without question. Eventually, the time comes that this group has created the exact same environment of sanctimonious self-righteous intolerance from which it was born, and another group is created to fight the inconsistencies and irrelevant dogma of its own parent.

This text assumes that the reader already knows and understands the fundamentals of religion, such as:

1) the belief of a single or group of supreme beings,

2) that this supreme being gave the social group a set of rules to follow (the Ten Commandments, the Eight-Fold Path, the Golden Rule, the Rules of Filial Piety, etc, etc, etc),

3) that every religion is subjective, and that no amount of objective cross-examination will ever disprove the fact of religion, and

4) no known religion has the physical and substantial evidence to completely verify its rightful existence "beyond a reasonable doubt".

The real scope of this text is to look at the "fringes" of the social circle, to look at the basic similarities and differences of groups. To eventually, hopefully, convince the reader that no single religious, scientific, or political position is absolutely right or wrong. If anything in this text offends your sense of propriety or religious faith, then look first to your own values. Open your mind to all the possibilities and arguments, consider the applications in light of the discussion, then balance that against your chosen faith. It is not intended to dissuade any group or sect from their foundations, or to specifically promote any other particular doctrine. The real challenge here is for each reader to take a "real" good look at your own faith, what you proclaim to believe, what you actually practice, and what you finally accomplish.

If there are absolutely no flaws in your individual practice of faith in your religion, then welcome to sanctification. If there are flaws, even in the smallest application of the theory, and you find the initiative to correct those flaws, then welcome to a new world of real faith and philosophical development.

CHAPTER 2: Ancient Histories

The curious significance, more important than all the other accomplishments of the ancient cultures, especially, Greece, Egypt and Persia, is why did they even exist? Where did the stimulus come from to advance these nations and cultures? A wild, but substantially traditional guess would be that Man's own desire for self-improvement led historically tribal and savage creatures to "mellow out and grow up". And to create, for themselves, a civilized culture. I didn't believe that when my teachers tried to teach it to me. I don't accept it, now. Based on the history I have studied over several years, whenever Man is left to his own resources, he tends to totally destroy everything around him; except for some very rare, very isolated primitive tribes.

When challenged as to where the Greeks and Egyptians learned their vast wealth of knowledge (mathematics, science, astronomy, literature, philosophy), my instructors informed me that they "created" this wealth for themselves. But my question was, how could such relatively "young" cultures have simultaneously developed this wealth of knowledge. It was "just a fact of history" I was told. (Coincidences do occur?) Later, the information came forth that these rich nations were grown from past cultures. Cultures whose records and histories had been lost or destroyed during their conquest, such as the Sumerians, and the Akkadians. These two ancient cultures are accredited with being the forefathers of the Aryan culture that first established its culture in the Indian sub-continent. (If ancient Aryans were people "of color", why do modern Aryans believe themselves to be "pure white"?)

Eventually, I would learn that my own culture, the Judeo-Christian theology, did the same thing. Took from older cultures, adapted their histories and professed them as their own. And that such conquering cultures create "explanations" which justify the presence of such cultures that they could not conquer or influence. Such was the surprise at my discovery that China had possessed one culture for over five thousand years, before the Communists destroyed the entire Asian world. Why would Western cultures be more interested in destroying the Chinese culture than learning how they managed to maintain the same through the same timeline that saw the entire Western World crawl through its adolescence. Why? Because white cultures, who had already killed and destroyed African, Native American, and some islandic Asian cultures were so racist as to not be capable of admitting another culture, a non-white culture, could have been "at least as good" as they were.

By studying of these ancient cultures, eastern as well as western, taught me that the same "fundamental" lessons were available to everyone. Then each culture took what they wanted from that basic, and usually disregarded the rest. But the important question was, did each culture independently learn and develop their culture, or was there some form of similarity introduced? Some aspects appeared to be independent as "aspects of survival", while others definitively appeared to "interactive".

Agriculture is the mainstay of any culture. But this is an aspect which could readily be defined as "survival", you learn to grow food or you die. And had agriculture been historically recorded as having occurred in different places at different times, without any interaction then it would be definitively survival. But the fact is that agriculture (farming) developed in every major culture, almost simultaneously. The techniques are almost identical. If the culture had the availability of some kind of beast of burden, then that beast was domesticated to pull the plow. If not, then the techniques for manually planting crops are still too similar to discount interaction. But, was there the availability of that "interaction"?

Could the Phoenicians, or an even earlier ancient culture, have developed a vast sea-going economy, before farming? Could they have developed boat building, navigation, charting, and multiple language adaptability, and not have the ability to store large amounts of food for those long journeys? It appears very unlikely. Therefore, there must have been at least one culture, very much older, which had already accomplished all of these things. And shared that knowledge with the rest of the ancient world.

The Sumerian and Akkadian cultures meet many of these requirements as far as the timeline is concerned. But there are two argumentative problems. These cultures were from the accepted region of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Their only references, in the record, to travel suggests that they had access to "boats that went under the water, as well as on top", and, that their "gods" have the physical ability to travel from the "heavens" to Earth. And these gods traveled all over the planet, as well. The historian experts, now, have to acknowledge that Hebrew histories, due to cultural timelines, have been strongly influenced by Sumerian histories, even though Hebrew history says that Noah’s clan landed on Mount Ararat, in Turkey, and as the sole surviving family, of the Great Flood, didn’t move to the Dead Sea until much, much later. Why the time anomaly? Because someone discovered Gőbekli Tepe, an archeological site over 12,000 years old, only 300 miles from Mt. Ararat. Which implies that the original version of the flood story, in the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, was truthful and adapted from much earlier oral traditions.

If we can accept the idea that these cultures had some knowledge of "submarines", do we discount their knowledge of "flight" just because its made in a cultural or religious context. Did the Hindu Vimanyas exist before or after the Sumerian rockets? Not that it really matters, but one must have influenced the other.

The Hebrews demand that the world believe that their "heroes" talked to God. The Christians demand that the world believe that their "teacher" performed the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Do either of these "cultures" have the right to deny the Sumerians and the Akkadians the belief that their gods actually walked among them, here on earth? But, what if they were telling the truth?

If Gőbekli Tepe is so much older, and supports Noah’s version of the flood, then it also implies that the first two chapters of Genesis are essentially correct. Somebody created Man and Woman. Somebody established a Garden of Eden, and after the flood tried to re-establish a better version of Man – possibly the Sumerians. Which brings us back to our original dilemma, is God Divine or an Extra-Terrestrial Entity?

The fact of the matter is that every culture, including the Judeo-Christian, have traced its so-called personal religious and philosophical traditions back to the original stories of these two cultures. They even adapted aspects of Sumerian and Akkadian beliefs into their own "personal" revelations and accomplishments. These ancient cultures profess that their gods walked upon the earth...with men. But the relevant difference is that the timeline says that the Sumerians and Akkadians were seeing the same thing that the Chinese experienced and the Oltecs of America did, at nearly the same time. The traditional Hebrew texts support this historical record, but they do not match the timeline. So who really is right? And where did these "gods" really come from?

What if, instead of God Divine or ETE, the original source was a civilized human culture established and in existence prior to the last Ice Age? When I first asked this question, there was no evidence available, and no one to support my theory.

The fact is that there did exist one culture, older than all others that was very technologically advanced (even by our standards). The dogma, though, goes two ways: 1) this culture was originally native to this planet; 2) this culture was originally native to another planet. Yes, and we will discuss the young, unrecognized science of Ufology later. For now, the discovery of Gőbekli Tepe, the challenge of the age of the Sphinx, due to rain damage, and the geological evidence of a devastating meteor shower near the end of the Ice Age, my theory is supported that Atlantis, regardless of its real name, did exist when Plato said it did.

First question: is there any definitive evidence that this culture could have come from another planet? The fact is that we ourselves have found and proven that there are ancient "man-made" artificial constructions on the planet Mars. The dogma then flows like this: 1) did a native culture (either Earth or Mars) have interplanetary travel technology; 2) did a non-native culture (outside Earth and Mars) colonize both planets, in the same time period. At this time, none of the physical evidence I have been able to develop proves beyond the reasonable doubt that there are "alien" cultures. It is upon the same "faith" that I was taught as a child, though, that I "believe" that the governments of the United States, England, Russia, Belgium, and others, "do" possess that physical evidence.

Let's examine the dogma of one ancient culture. The depth of variety and similarity between the "known" human cultures, suggest that the influence came from a very provocative culture. Our own historical record provides for one such culture, but only in the form of "legend and mythology". Which is what my teachers called anything they heard which they didn't want to believe in. Atlantis lives in the hearts and souls of many ancient cultures.

By legend, Atlantis was a very advanced culture which originally came from a land that was west of the Pillars of Hercules (the Rock of Gibraltar). This land was green, lush and wondrous. The Atlanteans were powerful, but they were no less "violent" than any other culture. The stories tell of great families having great intrigues. Eventually, the land of Atlantis was destroyed by a great calamity. Some say it was self-inflicted, some say it was geological, some say it was geological that was self-inflicted. But that's the dogma of it. The fact is there is geological evidence to say that there was a land in the Atlantic Ocean, west of Gibraltar, that was destroyed by a massive geological occurrence. This culture could have been a single landmass stretching from the Canary Islands to present-day Cuba, or it could have been a series of islands.

Given the theory that Atlantis was destroyed, by any major catastrophe, then there would have been some survivors regardless of how cataclysmic the disaster. Those survivors would have spread out in very small groups. The size of each group would be dependent upon the available transportation; boats, planes, floating debris, landmass, whatever. The variety of specialized skills in each group would be limited by where everyone was when the disaster struck, how much notice they had before it struck, and how many actually survived afterwards. "Human nature" being what it is, though, we can readily assume that the teachers were together, farmers were together, and architects were together. And, we can accept the principle that if this culture were so advanced, they must have possessed permanent outposts (communities) on other islands, landmass, continents -- just the way Elizabethan England possessed outposts all around the planet, held together with nothing more than wooden sailing ships. At least in one case specialists from several disciplines were together (China).

Upon landing in each location the survivors would be required to present themselves to the local inhabitants. Their unique talents and skills would make them honored guests. Their limited technological specialties would pre-determine their contributions to a new social order. But, most significant would be the individual personalities of the survivors in each group, and their presentation of themselves to the new social group. Teachers would prefer to be subtle, wishing to learn as well as instruct, farmers would readily join in the daily routine as they taught new techniques, while entrepreneurs would be interested in trying to establish themselves in positions of some "authority".

In not-such-rare cases, teachers would become the priesthood, only because those they instructed would be so overwhelmed with their knowledge. In the great majority of cases entrepreneurs would become the priesthood, because it would afford them the greatest power by using their routine knowledge in its mystical affect over the new social group. This dogma, of course, would be based on the argument that the Atlanteans had not already started developing economic or cultural ties with the other cultures, through the capabilities of their own shipping fleet.

Thus would different groups begin to promote themselves within the power structure of the local order. However, it would be extremely naive, and strictly "fantasyland", to believe that these people would do any of this for strictly altruistic and humanitarian purposes. Those with the best skills and gifts would readily manipulate the rest for their own purpose. Some, surely, would have had humanitarian goals but most would have exercised their talents for personal advantage. And their inter-relationships with the local inhabitants would of its own necessity create a new lineage within the general population, both socially and genetically. Later generations would be dependent upon the power and status created by whose ancestry had possessed what knowledge.

Besides their individual talents and technological skills, the new arrivals would bring part of the general social culture with them. Such as their religion, their history, and their language. Due to the primitive nature of the local populations, these new arrivals would find it extremely beneficial to modify some of their own cultural patterns of help blend into the local culture. The teachers, especially, would find it better to tell the stories of their home, their world, and the island(s), in such a way that the local group would accept the message behind the stories, even though the context might not be within their scope to believe. The continual and perpetual retelling of these stories, down through the generations, would naturally evolve into such legends and mythology as we ourselves share today.

Ancient China's historical record demonstrates the broadest introduction of new thought, from philosophy and politics, education and social behavior, technology, medicine, astronomy and astrology, and art and culture. Ancient Egypt still stands nearly unequaled in its architectural and embalming skills. (Personally, I always thought it extremely strange that these two specialties were derived from the same source.) Ancient Greece was the home of philosophers and scientists. It is through the legends, stories, and teachings of the Ancient Greeks that we first learned about the theory of Atlantis.

This dogmatic theory explains the initial presence of advanced knowledge stimulating the known ancient cultures to their historical "Golden Ages". Curiously the Golden Ages of Greece, Egypt, Phoenicia, and Persia all existed nearly simultaneously. There were internal intrigues and politics, but no general interactive animosities. But the novelty of the stimulation eventually wore off and led to boredom. For the Greeks boredom led to Alexander's conquest of Persia, only to be conquered by the Romans. For the Egyptians boredom led first to conquest over the nomadic tribes of Judea and Arabia, then to their own conquest by the Romans.

For the Phoenicians, with the Romans controlling all of the land-based economies, they had little choice but to eventually lose their advantage, at the battle of Carthage. Which, to me, all seemed curious. The Phoenicians were the People of the Sea, and while not expressing acknowledged by the Historians, it is obvious that these people reached from the Mediterranean Sea, to Chile and Peru to Michigan and Minnesota. Why would they lose the world, with the loss of one battle. More likely, the Phoenicians relocated to somewhere else, and became a new culture, at least by name (probably, South America).

Later all those small cultures which had been conquered by the Romans won their own freedoms, again, because the Romans had become bored and complacent. Instead of learning from their own past mistakes, all of these newly-developed nations began fighting and trying to conquer each other. This pattern lasted until the whole Western world got bored, and slid into the boredom and darkness of the Middle Ages. The only advancements during this period were three Crusades, the Inquisition and the Black Plague.

During this entire period of slaughter, the Chinese world maintained one form of culture. Developing a bureaucratic government, allowing the introduction of Buddhism into their culture, with very little animosity. Clans fought, and changed territories, and misbehaved, until the first dynasty was established. Then, while the Emperor sat on the throne, his district warlords fought for their own supremacy. Yet, while the West used wooden bowls and spoons, and suffered from diseases of many natures, the East ate off of china plates, used silverware, and practiced medicinal health (that are still practiced today, and are finally being recognized by Western experts has just as effective as their own). The historical slaughter that the Chinese would come to be recognized with didn't come until after Marco Polo had allowed the West to infiltrate and contaminate Eastern culture.

The rule of thumb has always been: if we don't learn from the past we will be destined to repeat it. Yet, we have repeated it over and over again, so often that its hard to tell what might be considered a new set of historical data. Its not that this author would not want to believe that Mankind can rise up above its present levels to achieve new and outstanding wonders. But given our track record (including Vladimir Putin and Kim Il Un), whenever we rise to the occasion it usually leads to or is caused by a war. An individual can easily desire to achieve wonders for the betterment of all. But the 'all' seem to be more interested in turning wonders into disasters.

Simply put, war is the most profitable enterprise Mankind knows how to manage. That is not the proper criteria for convincing anyone that we could not have accomplished anything without a lot of help, from somewhere. Of course, that was "in the past". What about the present and the future? Have we changed so fundamentally that this premise no longer applies to us? Can we expect to be able to create new wonders and not pervert them? (You ain't getting any odds in Las Vegas.)

CHAPTER 3: Past Prophecies

The Holy Bible supports the dreams of most Judeo/Christian theologists. Science supports the dreams of most Atheists. And, Reality simply supports the nightmare that is Mankind. There is no practical way to estimate the actual number of individuals who have predicted the end of the world. Some are on record because the exact date they predicted has already come and gone (many times), without success. At the present time I have examined over two hundred texts, written by past and present investigators, each very much concerned with convincing the world that the end has a specific expiration date. Even the vast mass of information and speculation may not be enough to convince some of the public skeptics, but there are, however, several very relevant occasions which must be considered with a certain amount of concern.

The first prophecy, of course, which has great deal acceptance is the Book of Revelations in the Bible. This book is recorded as written by Saint John of Patmos following a dream induced by God. The details of what kind of world there will be at the end are quite specific, in a impressionistic sort of way. But the dating is vague, because it is based on "astrological" signs, and some secret sectarian symbolism. Interestingly enough, the very priesthood which supports the very prophecy denounces the very science that St. John used to make his prophecy. Perhaps they only condemned the practice to prevent the public from discovering that exact date -- that the end of the world John saw, was in his own lifetime? It didn't happen then, and it hasn't happen, today.

The next prophecy came from Ireland, in the years 1143 AD to 1190 AD. An Irish priest, Saint Malachy, was sent for, and went to the Vatican, where he spent years writing down all of his visions. The importance of these visions is that St. Malachy has apparently accurately predicted every Pope of the Holy Catholic Church, from his time to the present, including Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis. His visions were so accurate that he predicted the fact that Pope John Paul I would only serve in his office for one month. The fact of these visions is that there will only be two more Popes. And the last, Peter the Roman (Pope Francis 2013 to present), will live to see the complete destruction of the city of Rome. Unfortunately, St. Malachy could only see the Popes and not the circumstances (as we are told by the Church).

During the period 1546 AD to 1560 AD, Michel de Nostradame wrote down the most famous, most detailed, and most studied (second to the Book of Revelations) predictions ever conceived. Nostradamus wrote down 1,000 predictions, each written in a poetic stanza form, detailing the world of his own time, and various portions of the future. His ability to be accurate has been so good, over the past four hundred years, that if there were absolutely no other sources Nostradamus would still have to be concerned genuine and serious.

However, a great serious of crimes have been committed, hiding behind the name of Michel de Nostradame. Many authors have found a flexible excuse to play games with Michel's prophecies. He wrote in a letter to his infant son, who would only have the opportunity to read it many years after Michel's death, that he chose to write in language to protect himself from the powers of the time (the kings and the priesthood). As Cardinal Richelieu, of France, once said, "Give me six lines written by the most honest man you know, and I will find something to hang him with." And, in any quatrain in "The Centuries", Michel might have been hung a thousand times. The problem has come by many of these descendent writers, instead of interpreting each quatrain, would take lines from different quatrains, and put them together in any order which might justify any argument they wanted to profess.

Here, we will only present quatrains, as written by Nostradamus, and agreed upon by the majority of reviewers.


Century V, Quatrain 93:

Under territory of the Round Luminary Globe,

When Mercury shall be Lord of the Ascendant,

The island of Scotland shall make a luminary,

That shall put the English to a revolution.

This author has the distinct privilege of being first to record the verification of this quatrain. Traditional interpreters have missed the essence of this particular prediction, because they were locked into the wrong definition of the word 'revolution'. They have examined the historical record and found that Scotland has never led the British Isles into a major 'war' or 'political revolution' (unless you earnestly consider Rob Roy, and William Wallace). Therefore, the prediction has not been realized. Wrong. But not politics. "The Round Luminary Globe" was the 'limelight', which was invented by a Scotsman, Captain James Drummond. Which did, most assuredly, "put the English to a revolution" - the Industrial Revolution.

Included in these predictions are great natural calamities, monstrous wars, fantastic revelations, and religious wonders. Michel predicted the American and French revolutions, the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, the rise and fall of Adolph Hitler, the creation of tanks, airplanes, and rockets. He even predicted the desecration of his own grave, two hundred years before it actually happened. Of particular importance to this discussion are the following:

Century X, Quatrain 72:

In the Year 1999 and seven months,

From the skies shall come an alarmingly powerful king,

To raise, again, the Great King of the Jacquerie,

Before and after, Mars shall reign at will.

There has been much written about the way Nostradamus obscured dates and places, to protect himself from the Church (and the wonders of the Inquisition), and to make interpretation apply to the time its read. But it is best to believe that in this quatrain he uses the year date because of the overwhelming importance of the warning. And, because the use of the real date could in no way threaten the teachings of the Inquisition. "From the skies shall come an alarmingly powerful king" suggests someone exercising great power whether for good or evil. "...the Great King of the Jacquerie," refers to one who represents the "peasants" or common people. "Before and after, Mars shall reign at will". Mars is the 'god' of war, and he surely rules upon this planet, right now. However, the closest event was the loss of EgyptAir Flight 990, on October 31st.

Century X, Quatrain 74:

The year Seven of the Great Number being past,

There shall be seen the sports of the ghostly sacrifice,

Not far from the Great Age of the Millennium,

That the buried shall come out of their graves.

The "Great Number being past" and "the Great Age of the Millennium" both are contributed to the end of this century (2000 AD), and this decade, as well. "There shall be seen the sports of ghostly sacrifice ...that the buried shall come out of their graves", sounds very much like the raising of the dead at the time of the Rapture, as predicted by St. John. "The year Seven...being past", implies that this should occur seven years after, or specifically, 2007 AD. (Missed that one… but, welcome to the rest of the world.)

Century X, Quatrain 86:

As a Griffon, shall come the King of Europe,

Accompanied by those of the North,

Of Reds and Whites, shall conduct a great troop,

And then, shall go against the King of Babylon.

"The King of Europe" implies one who has achieved dominance of the European Economic Community. "As a Griffon" suggests he or she will speak like a dove, but will be backed by the strength of a lion. "Of Reds and Whites" implies the Russians and the Americans putting together a single political/military group (we see that happening, somewhat) to face off with "the King of Babylon". The dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the application of Russia into the European Common Market, establish the premise for joining the Americans in a mutual operation (Somalia and Bosnia are right now establishing that bond). (That looked good in 1996, Putin has changed the looked of that world.)

Too much speculation has been made recently, trying to predict who "the King of Babylon" is. Several excellent candidates have stepped forward for consideration, Saddam Hussein (lost bid), King Hussein of Jordan (has become a good ally), Yassar Arafat (past), Muammar Al-Gaddafi (past), and the Ayatollah Khomeini (still fighting for his side), even though none have met all the requirements. But regardless of our accuracy in identifying the right person, the fact is that too many of the details of this prediction are "too close for comfort", we have to start taking this prediction to heart.

Century VI, Quatrain 21:

When those of the Arctic Pole shall be united together,

There shall be in the East great fear and trembling.

One shall be newly elected that shall bear the brunt,

Rhodes, Constantinople shall be dyed with Barbarian blood.

This quatrain continues the same thought of X-86. Once Russia does enjoin the Common Market, and the United States, there will be fear in the East (China and North Korea already feel the pressure of such an alliance). The "One...newly elected" could easily be Vladimir Putin, who now feels the pressure to re-establish Soviet dominance, while maintaining economic balance with the West. The last line specifically warns us to watch the troubles between Greece and Turkey (animosity which has existed for several decades). And the political pressure placed on Turkey having the nation of Iraq next door only exacerbates the situation.

Century VI, Quatrain 97:

The Heaven shall burn at 5 and 40 degrees,

The fire shall come near the Great New City,

In an instant, a great flame dispersed, shall burst out,

When they shall make a trial of the Normans.

(The original use of this quatrain was implied with the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, not the more devastating second trip in 2001.) This is the "warning" so popular with those predicting a nuclear disaster. It tells where "at 5 and 40 degrees". It tells how, by "a great flame dispersed". And it tells "when they shall make a trial of the Normans". That would suggest that at some point others will try to hold the French at fault. Significant in regard to what appears to be the French government's habit of letting their political loyalties float between all sides, depending on who happen to have the advantage at any particular moment. Eventually, some country may get tired and openly accuse the French of selling weapons or technology to that country's most avowed enemies. (France was involved with giving Iraq a "super-gun", are they presently involved in helping North Korea built its nuclear arsenal).

The "great flame" could come as a terrorist attack (like that one on the World Trade Center in New York) or as an openly hostile action by some nation (as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor). Or, it may simply be a coincidental accident caused by the aging, debilitated nuclear reactor facilities that most of the first-world countries possess (such as the accidents of Three Mile Island or Chernobyl); or, a nuclear facility along the American Pacific coast being destroyed by a major earthquake (four such facilities set along the fault lines from San Diego to Seattle, and the recent flurry of quakes has everyone on edge). Or, perhaps, just a simple case of "human error" during the "underground testing" of nuclear resources that many of the first-world countries are practicing at this moment (the United States included).

But, as to "at 5 and 40 degrees" and the "Great New City" being definitively New York, maybe not. Unfortunately at the same latitude are such "new cities" as Seattle, Tokyo, Seoul, Moscow, Berlin, and Paris. Or maybe it means south of the Equator.

Century X, Quatrain 49:

Garden of the World, Near the New City,

In the ways of the man-made mountains,

Shall be seized on, and plunged into a ferment,

Being forced to drink sulfurous poisoned waters.

This quatrain may follow the other, trying to help us localize the target. At this time in history, the "garden of the world" is America, either the whole Midwest or California. "Near the new city, in the way of man-made mountains" could readily apply to New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago or St. Louis. "Shall be seized on...forced to drink sulfurous poisoned waters" sounds like the result of a major earthquake in California. But a terrorist attack to New York City could readily equate the same results.

However, America's over inflated ego could cause us to overlook other possibilities. This quatrain could just as easily apply to Japan and her rice crops. Tokyo most definitively is a "new city", and suffers just as fearfully from earthquakes. And, the reference to "sulfurous poisoned waters" can be immediately implied to the worldwide disease of water pollution, caused by arrogance, callousness, and a lot of badly managed toxic waste programs. (Unfortunately, for all of us, 2001 proved that New York was the target.)

Century X, Quatrain 62:

Near Sorbin, to invade Hungary,

The Herald of Buda shall give notice,

The Chief Easterner, sallow of Sclavonia,

Shall convert them to Asiatic Law.

The significance in this quatrain is to the reference to "the Herald of Buda (Buddha?)...shall convert them to Asiatic Law". This strongly implies that one of East Indian or Chinese descent will appear and enforce his will upon the region of the Black and Caspian Seas. Could the Dalai Lama, presently an exile of his home, in Tibet, be the voice "the Herald of Buda shall give notice"? Could he "convert them to Asiatic Law"? However, the appearance of this individual will be a significant roadsign, both in consideration of Nostradamus' predictions and St. John's prophecies.

Century IX, Quatrain 73:

In Foix, shall come a King with a Blue Turban,

And shall reign before Saturn is revolved.

Then a King with a White Turban shall make Turkey quake.

Sol, Mars, Mercury, being near the top of the Mast.

This is the second most recited quatrain in this collection. The "King with a Blue Turban" and "a King with a White Turban" have flashed across newspaper headlines and television broadcasts every time a Middle Eastern dictator starts a fight with Europe or America, or threatens a neighbor. Most important, though, is the time period, "before Saturn is revolved... Sol, Mars, Mercury, being near the top of the Mast".

Century V, Quatrain 55:

Out of the country of Greater Arabia,

Shall be born a strong master of Mohammedan Law,

Who shall vex Spain and conquer Granada,

And by sea shall come to the Italian nation.

This is the most significant roadsign. "A strong master of Mohammedi Law" would readily wear either a "Blue Turban" or a "White Turban". He will most definitively attack Spain, conquer Granada, and attack Italy. With this quatrain we now know two things: 1) an Arabian will attack Italy, and 2) Peter the Roman (Pope Francis), last Catholic Pope, will see it happen. This rapidly narrows the time frame, and circumstantially presses us to take these warnings very seriously.

Century IX, Quatrain 91:

The horrid pestilence shall be in Cornith and Nicopol,

The Crimeans and Macedonians, too.

It shall waste Thessaly and Amphipolis,

An unknown evil, and the refusal of Anthony.

This last quatrain should be considered for it may impress us that Michel de Nostradame, who died 1560 AD, and had watched his own wife and child die of the Black Plague, tried to warn us about our own present, worldwide plagues, AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, or Coronavirus. The implications of "an unknown evil" is obvious, and where it came from is still of considerable controversy. From the selection of his chosen cities, Nostradamus demonstrates that is a very widespread calamity that "it shall waste" all of them. And, "the refusal of Anthony" implies the sexual nature of such disease.

The most curious thing about this quatrain, to this author, is the specific reference to Anthony's refusal, because Michel could have been familiar with ancient history since he was a recognized scholar. But, could Michel have, also, been prophesying the talent of William Shakespeare, by referring to his play "Julius Caesar", a source we know refers to Anthony's sexual appetite? Prophesying, since Shakespeare was to be born four years after Nostradamus died.

The spans of time between prophets, so far in our discussion, have been centuries. From St. John to St. Malachy, 1100 years. From St. Malachy to Nostradamus, 450 years. For nearly 1900 years these three were the only "competent" sources of prophecy. Then in this very century there has developed an abundance of "competent" sources.

In the year 1917, in Fatima, Portugal, was recorded the first of two very significant Catholic "miracles". The vision of "Our Lady" appeared to three children six times over six months. They were justly instructed that the present war (World War I) shamed Man before God. They were told that another such war would come again, in the near future. The importance of this series of visions was to warn all the people that "something" very important is going to occur at the end of this century, and only those who are spiritually ready will be saved.

The Vision promised all three children would go to Heaven, but that two would be called very soon, and the third would have many years before their calling. Both the youngest children died within two years of a Cholera outbreak. But Lucia is still alive, today, upon reaching adulthood she joined an Order of Sisters of the Catholic Church. She has never publicly described the details of her "conversations" with the Holy Mother. However, it can be readily assumed that Lucia has told at least two of the Papal Fathers. She would have naturally told the Pope at the time of her visions, and it should be assumed that she has spoken with Pope John Paul II since his reign appears it may survive to the end of this decade.

These visions culminated on August 13, 1917, when a large portion of Portugal, Spain and France (estimated over 70,000 people in 600 square miles) witnessed a very unique and unexplainable light effect caused by or in association with the sun. Rain had fallen all morning until the moment of the Holy Mother's Vision. Upon Her appearance, the sun came out and the clouds started to dissipate. After the Vision had spoken with the children, She faded, and there was an ostensible, fully visible "miracle" of the sun "dancing in the sky". To many who were actually present the "miracle" was real, and they converted. To many who were actually present the "incident" was only coincidental. And to many were actually present, they didn't see a thing (at least that is what they said). Reporters from all over Europe, wrote down their own experiences and recorded the experiences of many other, respectable witnesses. Eventually, it took the Holy Church in the Vatican seventeen years to investigate, challenge, accept and approve the "Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima".

During the period 1910 AD to 1945 AD, one quiet, unassuming man changed the mind-set of the entire world. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, is almost as well known as Nostradamus. But where Michel sat alone for fourteen years and wrote down 1,000 specific predictions, Edgar made thousands of predictions but never personally knew a single word that was said. Edgar used a form of self-hypnosis during which his wife or secretary would ask specific questions and receive specific information.

The vast majority of this information was medical, involving the thousands of hopeful patients who wrote to Edgar to beg for cures to their illnesses or injuries. But laced throughout these solutions were descriptions of past lives, including Atlantis, and the imminent future at the end of this century. Such as this quote, "...that as has been promised through the prophets and the sages of old, the time and half-time, has been and is being fulfilled in this day and generation, and that soon there will again appear in the earth that One through whom many will be called to meet those preparing the way for His day in the earth..." (Stearn) And with the spiritual "coming", the way will be marked by great natural changes (calamities). "Cayce was often asked to specify when the various break-ups would occur, but he rarely gave more than hints, except to refer occasionally to 1958-1998, as the key period when the axis-tilt would make itself felt around the world... With Cayce's prognosticated time-clock of forty years came a prediction that some have loosely interpreted as foreshadowing a Second Coming. 'And these [changes] will begin in those periods in '58 to '98, when these will be proclaimed as period when His Light will be seen again in the clouds.'" (Stearn)

Among Cayce's other predictions 1935) was a promise that evidence would be found in the ocean off Bermuda which would verify the true existence of Atlantis. The Bimini Road, a man-made stone path, was discovered in 1968, by scuba divers off the coast of Bermuda. This theory was supported, in December, 2001, when a sonar investigation off the western coast of Cuba discovered a city under 2500 feet of ocean water. This discovery has been trashed by several sources because further research has not been done, however, these haters do not acknowledge that the reason further research has not been done is because the Cuban government refused any further investigations. Partly because it would allow surveillance of their territory, and partly because any discovery would disavow their own claim to ultimate authority.

Cayce supplied greater information would be found in a chamber buried "under the forepaws of the Sphinx" (1938), in a small chamber that would prove the story of Atlantis. Ultrasound grounding tests were conducted in 1986 and proved Cayce accurate again. Even before these recent discoveries, Bermuda has been the subject of many wild and unexplained stories from sailors and merchants, which is now referred to as the Bermuda Triangle. In the past 125 years, the Triangle has become one of the most investigated mysteries of all times.

But, the most significant "fact" within Cayce's prophecies is that at the time no one knew that the Sphinx had "forepaws"! Because the monument was buried to the chest, and wouldn't be properly excavated until 1949. However, to date, the Egyptian government has still refused to allow excavation of the chamber, even though recent sonar tests (1990) have accurately identified and verified what the Sleeping Prophet already knew.

The next step arrives in 1961, in Garabandal, Spain. In this small Spanish village four more children were 'blessed' with Visions of the Virgin Mary. These registered and approved Catholic "miracles" are very significant because they not only reinforce the previous visions of Fatima, but they were established within a specific time period. In Her previous visitations the Holy Mother had warned of the "Coming", and the need for preparation, in this second set of visitations Her purpose was to warn that the time was very near and the preparations had been unheeded, so far. This time the Vision promised the coming of the "Rapture" and of "Armageddon". And of utmost importance to this very discussion is Her warning that the children would live to see this coming. But they were never to speak a word of their personal knowledge, to anyone, until eight days before. At that time they would witness a specific "event", which would serve as their signal that the Rapture would come in one week. By Her promise this will occur in the lifetime of the three children, and that means in our lifetime.

The last set of prophecies all began to develop at the same time, and they were all intimidated because of one man's hoax upon the world. In 1968, Erich von Däniken published a book called “Chariot of the Gods”, several further books, and eventually several films, based on his "research" into the subject of "ancient astronauts". Even though this author was fascinated by his dissertation, learning that he had "created" much of his "evidence" came as so much of a shock that I began my own research. Eric's popular and profitable “hoax” destroyed any effort to take this subject serious within any normal section of the general population (never was a real hoax, just traditional “experts” trying to defend their lost authority). But it didn't stop a very small percentage of very curious, and very open-minded researchers. "We" would become the group that the rest of the world has labeled "the Fringe", and discounts all our research, because they don't want to believe the facts that are right in front of them.

As prophecy, though, a central text belongs to Richard Noone, who wrote his book, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster. And the reason for its importance is that this text is specific as to what he believed would happen and when it would occur, and why. Most fascinating was the fact that only a small part of Noone's evidence is based on religious mumbo jumbo, hypnotic trances, or subjective speculation (in the form of his interpretations of the Great Pyramid). Instead, most of Noone's evidence was based on geological and astronomical research, and other historical documents, by himself and many others, cooperatively and independently. However, Noone's basic assumption was wrong.

Richard Noone studied all of the geological, archeological and mythological records to reveal that a physical "polar shift" occurs approximately every 6,000 years. His group of supporters believe that there is a consistent and periodic buildup of ice on the polar caps (as is supported by all known data), and that regularly this ice builds up so much as to cause the whole planet to "tilt". Thus establishing a new equator, and new polar caps. This hypothesis is supported by much of the geological record illustrating periodic ice ages, periodic fluctuations in the ocean levels, and much of the present seaboard land base having been deeply underwater in the past.

And up to the moment of his own "assumption", Noone's research was extremely effective and positive. Then, like most of us, he "jumped" to an assumption that wasn't even distantly supported by his own research. The assumption is that the planet Earth will "tilt" between 28 and 90 degrees, thus turning the Earth on its side.

However, he overlooked a few small "facts" which cannot be justified by his assumption. A "planetary tilt" of so much would significantly change the Earth's rotational speed and direction, thus redirecting the plate tectonics of the Earth's upper crust. The geological record does indicate and verify that the polar magnetic shift occurs, and NASA supports this with it occurring approximately every 200,000 to 300,000 years (this is best demonstrated by the Atlantic Ridge record). However, the record indicates that the last reversal was nearly 800,000 years ago (time’s running along). But, the continual movement of the American continent, and the development of the Rocky Mountains over several million years, proves that although the magnetic poles shift, the Earth's rotational direction and speed do not.

Consideration of the planet's rotational direction and speed means that another "answer" has to be sought out. Whatever causes the polar magnetic shift does not affect rotation, therefore, it has only a "minor" or "temporary" effect on plate tectonics, flora, and many fauna. Is it possible that "something" could cause the solid iron core of the Earth to rotate 180 degrees, without changing the rotational direction and speed?

The best explanation for the results of Noone's research is that "something" causes the polar ice caps to break up and melt, without actually tilting the planet. Anything that can "flip" the polar magnetic alignment could, probably, be quite sufficient to destroy the polar ice. Thus, raising the sea level, causing massive earthquakes and volcanoes, and changing the weather patterns, without effecting the general conditions of plate tectonics. The most significant argument for this hypothesis, at least over Noone's argument, is the creation and continual development of the Rocky Mountains and the Himalayas. If his research was completely accurate, the change of tilt and rotation would change the plate tectonics (every 6,000 years), thus eliminating the creation and development of such mountain ranges over "millions" of years.

All that said, new geological and archeological discoveries are creating a vast riot in the scientific and fringe worlds. It has long been accepted that Antarctica has been covered with ice for millions of years. And, that it’s position at the South Pole is equally timeless. However, recent discoveries imply what Charles Hapgood, and others, hypothesized decades ago, that Antarctica was sub-tropical until maybe 20,000 years ago (or about the time of the meteor shower that struck Earth at the end of the last Ice Age. Rumors of military discovery of a truly ancient civilization, flash frozen, on the sub-continent requires a lot of so-called experts rewriting their university textbooks.

The facts behind these prophecies are, that although they cover more than nineteen hundred years of time, and various philosophical points of view, all of them identify the very same time-frame. Each of them sincerely believes that "something" is going to happen...and it is going to happen "very soon". They have done their best to prepare us, by making us think about the circumstances that surround our lives. (Too bad we probably don't appreciate their gifts.)

The question of dogma, however, flows that 1) it is a religious/spiritual manifestation, leading to a planetary war and a metaphysical metamorphosis, or 2) it is a planetary geological distribution, with the expected accompanying disturbances, or 3) it is some combination of the first two hypothesis. Plot getting thick enough for you, yet? Well, the truth is that there are still several "possible" theories on the exactness of this strange "something" that is going to occur.

Why am I, the author, so invested in this subject? Fair question. When I was in the eighth grade, in the 1960’s, I had World History at 11 am, then Lunch, then General Science at 1 pm. These classes were, by coincidence, directly across the hall from each other. In History, my teacher explained that “cultural” Man had gone from learning agriculture to the Gemini Space Program, in just 10,000 years, since the last Ice Age. And, she wondered how far we would go when the Apollo Program began. Then, across the hall, my Science teacher explained that the general planet time plan was 100,000 years of an Ice Age, then about 10,000 years of a warming period, then another 100,000 year Ice Age. It only took me a few moments to realize that the two classes had blown my mind. I immediately raised my hand, and asked the Science teacher, “Have you talked to the lady across the hall?” “Why?” he asked. “Because you said we’ve been out of the Ice Age for about 10,000 years, which means a new one is coming. She said that we’ve only been civilized since the last one. What happens to us, when the next one arrives?”

Since then, I have paid great attention to both history and science, and I have created many other questions. The first, and apparently most relevant is that – could there have been a civilization that existed “during” the last Ice Age? Could that civilization had survived into this warming period? And, could the descendants of that civilization lived long enough to influence the primitive people know existed during this time? For two decades, all my efforts failed to answer the question, but there were lots of circumstantial evidence to feed more questions, just like those that fed Erich von Däniken. Then, a whole generation of researchers began to actively study the same arena of history. And, like Alice, I realized that the world had become “curiousier and curiousier”.

CHAPTER 4: Necessary Assumptions

Beyond considering the accuracy and relevance of prophecies and prophets we have to consider the rest of the historical record. Are there similarities, differences, or curiosities that can establish the positive and negative details within such prophecies. We are told to expect a worldwide war, geological disturbances, and a metaphysical phenomena. The first two are readily examinable. The third may be too subjective to determine. But...

Our planet as already suffered through two major wars. Which by our own insufferable standards we have declared to be "worldwide". Even though each war only consisted of those first-world countries who were in conflict for political control of the "world" economy, while several lesser important countries suffered from the dangers and anguish. The real fact is that on a planetary-scale, each were still considerably puny wars. But...the Cold War that followed was truly "worldwide". That Cold War ended in 1991, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, however, since that time others have tried, and Putin is still trying to re-establish the power and authority of the Soviet State.

The first World War is significant because it demonstrated just how imaginatively brutal Man could be when trying to kill himself. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln refused to approve use of the Gatling Gun because it could kill so many, so indiscriminately, against "brothers" with simple single-shot loaders. Later, President Grant approved using this "monster" on the American Indians, who were armed with bows and arrows. But during the short period of 1914-1917, "modern, civilized and educated" Man created the ability to kill with chemicals, tanks, flying machines, submarines and machine-guns which could fire "hundreds" of rounds per minute. The horror of dying by "chemicals" was so disgusting "to the victors", that they all signed a "promise" never to use them, again. Which has been broken many times since then.

However, just in case, they continued to modify and "perfect" every means of killing they could think of, including chemicals. Weapons manufacturing and selling became the biggest business industry, just ahead of smuggling liquor during prohibition. In a short twenty years, the "modern, civilized and educated" Man was back killing his "brothers", again. This time, however, the flying machines were faster, the tanks were bigger, the submarines were so much more powerful, and even though they had all promised not to, chemicals found their way back into the war. (The history books say, that the "good guys" only started using them after the "bad guys" did...did not...did...did not.) But they still weren't satisfied with the level of death and destruction they could create...and both sides decided they needed something really "big". Thus was born the "nuclear age". Not for energy, advancement and social benefit. But for the ability to kill millions at one time, instead of mere hundreds or thousands. Like children in the schoolyard, neither side would believe that the other side could build the "bomb" faster or better. Nor that once built, either would actually use it. Finally, one bully had to prove that he was a bigger bully than the other, and did use it. History books say that President Truman didn't have a choice, that the Japanese were "never" going to capitulate the war. So America dropped one atomic bomb, but the stubborn Japanese refused to quit. We dropped another one. Now, all the bullies knew we had the ability, we had the determination, and we had the lack of compassion (common sense) to use it. (Yes, the Japanese were stubborn, however, the Allies could have selected a location where damage would have been minimized, invited Japanese representatives to witness such a test,

For forty-five years the status of nuclear power and the balance of scales absolutely threatened every living organism on this planet. Not only did all the bullies keep building more and more nuclear weapons, but they even had the audacity to test their toys on their own populations. Just to see how nuclear destruction would affect their enemies. Then everybody started waving their fingers around, like those kids in the schoolyard, bullying anyone who would flinch.

In an effort the impress upon the nations of Earth how desperate the situation was a group of scientists created the Doomsday Clock. This hypothetical timepiece was originally set at 11 hours, 59 minutes, telling everyone there was only one more minute until the end of time. Each time a new political crisis occurred these scientists would estimate the danger and reset the clock. As of 1989 the number of nations capable of creating nuclear weapons, and the vast number of nuclear weapons had advanced the clock to 11 hours, 59 minutes and 48 seconds. Whether or not we are really the most powerful living specie in the Universe, we were only 12 seconds away from totally obliterating that Universe...we knew it.

Suddenly, in 1989, the Soviet Union capitulated its military power and discontinued its policy of totalitarianistic, communistic, atheistic political domination (that's what the American Congress called it, anyway). The fact of the matter was the strongest, most aggressive, most feared military upon this planet could not survive, because of domestic economic mismanagement. (At least that is the public explanation.) But the American political machine wouldn't turn loose, and many of them took personal credit for the elimination of their political nemesis. Even though practically none of them could show any actual, direct action on their part, positive or negative, which could be tied to the change of policy in Moscow. (I really wonder what the history books two hundred years from now will say about this idea.) Could there have been more to this massive political about-face? Was it strictly humanitarian economics?

Regardless of who actually earned the credit for this move, it relieved a great amount of stress on the Doomsday Clock, and the scientists moved the hands back to 11 hours, 59 minutes and 30 seconds. A positive sign, but a very small one. Why? Because, now there is only one "superpower" (political connotation not religious) on this planet. One which generally professes to be democratic, open, equal opportunistic, capitalistic, and moderately religiously tolerant. (Again, I want to read those history books.) As of January, 2018, the Clock has been reset to 2 minutes before midnight (probably due to the excellent sales of Prozac).

Logic would anticipate that America would step forward, set the agenda for international politics and economics, demand recognition for its domination of military supremacy, and establish itself as the "undisputed ruler of the world". So, why hasn't America really become "the" superpower on Earth? Lack of motivation, not altruism. In addition, there are at least a dozen nations which still have nuclear capability, and nine nations who's specific political agenda includes collecting nuclear capability (five are directly responsible for the majority of "terrorist" attacks, death and destruction which feeds the international news media). We're just too human...and just can't seem to make the danger go away.

As I write this text, one nation, North Korea, still stands against the whole community of nations in its attempt to keep the nuclear stock-pile it has collected (illegally by international standards). Two things make this particular face-off critical: 1) North Korea's leadership is a radical communistic elite which has been in power for 48 years, and has little, if any, desire to give up itself totalitarian domination of the popular community, 2) North Korea's geographical position literally threatens every first-world country on the planet. Dreams are very elusive things. Peace may simply be too damn elusive.

North Korea's physical location poses the immediate danger. If a deliberate attack were initiated, it could target any or every major city in the world, with its resulting fallout contamination. However, the greater danger comes from more mismanagement. If the North Korea, pressed by the international community to capitulate, is forced to advance their activities beyond the level of proper safety required for nuclear management the resultant nuclear "accident" could just as easily destroy several populations, and begin another war, or just eliminate a great planetary population by nuclear pollution.

After the political considerations, we should be so frightened as to make preparation without looking any further. But, real life ain't so simple. The geological disturbances are just as prevalent today as the threat of nuclear destruction. California, Mexico and Central America, Japan and China, and the Black Sea region, have all suffered greatly from deadly and destructive earthquakes. The Mississippi River has suffered from a series of annual floods, as have France and Germany. The Sahara Desert as swallowed a great portion of the African continent. Even the "breadbasket" of America is set to suffer another drought of historical proportions. And these are just the natural phenomena that we as "humans" have absolutely no control over.

There are other geological occurrences for which we "humans" must take all the blame for. First among these is the destruction of the ozone, which presently threatens the entire population of Australia, as well as South America. Not to mention its threat to the ice deposits of both polar regions. The polar destruction of the ozone eventually will directly threaten every first-world country (not to mention all those "little" countries with no voice to cry against their death). What could create such devastation to the planet's very life-force? Vanity...the magic chemicals that Man created just to make himself "feel better" about his questionable appearance. Once we discovered what caused the damage, we balked at any effort to correct the problem, because it would lose us so many profits. What is the value of life when measured against gold?

Beyond this horrible definition of death, Man has destroyed so much of the planet's natural vegetation (the great African, Brazilian, American, European and Asian forests) that there has been a distinctive change in the planet's weather patterns and chemical composition. The arguments still rage as to whether this fact has any direct influence on the floods and droughts reported around the rest of the planet.

For the rest of the planet's arable surface, we have buried it under concrete, asphalt and steel for our useful communities, and poisoned the rest of it with garbage. (See the sub-continent of Plastic Garbage, floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.) We have polluted the water with detergents (seems they clean laundry, but nothing else) and industrial waste. And we have polluted the air with chemicals from every kind of imaginable contraption, all in the name of progress (greed).

The question of the third aspect of this something that is coming presents a problem in presenting the physical and substantial evidence to support its existence. Better individuals than this author have tried to prove the existence of the metaphysical through valid direct evidence, without any permanent and definitive success. My best opportunity will be to present enough effective extrinsic evidence, to convince the reader that something metaphysical can exist. Then, by inference, convince the reader that something metaphysical does exist. Then, by substance, convince the reader that something metaphysical will exist in the future.

The first step is to define the word, and thereby, define the scope of the research. According to Webster, the accepted authority on words and definitions, "metaphysics" is the science of essential principles, or the more abstruse or abstract principles. Therefore, "metaphysical" is concerned with the abstract. And "abstract" means the essential aspects of a subject conceived in general or theoretical terms. Which brings me right back to our original discussion of religion. Religion is the education and practice of the "essential teachings" of social behavior and responsibility. Ostensibly, all religions are metaphysical. Regardless of how much they scream at the very thought of being labeled as such.

The subject of the metaphysical is not limited only to the Judeo-Christian theological community. (That should be some help.) Every philosophy believes in some kind of "abstract essential aspects", the problem is that every small cult or sect within every religion believes that their essential aspects are real, and everyone else's are false. The Judeo-Christians say you "must" believe in Genesis and Moses and David and Jesus, but you "can't" believe in Buddha, Vishnu, self-enlightenment, Eastern philosophy, Yoga, transcendental meditation, herbal medicines, or acupuncture. The American middle-class says you can believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but you can't believe in crystals, elves and dragons, ancient astronauts, or unidentified flying objects (which several governments actually possess photos of). Western politicians believe in capitalism and self-gratification, but ban the philosophy of communal sharing and total equality. But, I hope to eventually convince the reader that this singular duality is "both sides of the same coin".

In their essential aspects the Judeo-Christian Genesis, the Hindu Vedas, the Sumerian Enuma Elish, and the Scientific Astronomical text are all the exact same thing. They are each the story of how the Universe began. Of the wondrous miracles and awesome, unexplainable power which created the very material of life. The only difference in any of these "stories" is the grammar, and the metaphysical meaning of the descriptions. Instead of focusing on those "essential teachings" and reveling in the magic and mystical wonder of the world, everybody gets caught up in the dogma (costuming). Then people actually start killing one another over whose "dress" is prettier than the rest (like women at a wedding, or men at a football game), or who stole what story from who. What do you think the real emphasis of the Middle East "wars" is? Hebrews, Christians and Moslems all honor the same "God", but they spend all their time trying to kill each other, in "His" Name, like siblings crying, “Daddy loves me best!”

If the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", is a valid lesson, who really cares who said it first? Or, what the exact grammar was? Isn't the "real message" to believe the rule and follow it? Or, is it more "righteous" to break the rule, just so you can prove someone else is "more wrong" than you are? Two wrongs may not make a right, but they should do make the self-righteous.

The rest of this text will highlight "aspects" one and two of the doomsday prophecies (war and natural calamities), but will stress the third aspect (the metaphysical). To deny the probability of any war is just plain stupidity. To deny the existence of natural disasters is simple naive ignorance. But, to deny the existence of the metaphysical is just plain intolerant arrogance. (And if this shoe fits, then by whoever your god is - wear it.)

CHAPTER 5: Mythologies

All of Man's earliest knowledge was passed down from generation to generation in oral stories. We now call these oral stories 'legends' and 'mythologies'. That means that we find them fascinating and very entertaining, but 'we don't believe them'. And the reason we don't want to believe them is that we can't prove them. Tales of the Greek, Roman and Norse gods and goddesses are wondrous. The great battles and adventures of their half-god and half-human children, played out here on our own Earth, are exciting and chill the flesh with dreams and desires. The tales of Native American shamans who could become so powerful that they could turn into wolves or bears, and brave heroes who turned into eagles and won battles against their enemies.

But our teachers and our priesthood tell us that these are all 'lies'. Just faerytales used to teach proper principles, and excite the listener to become better people. Isn't that what Hindu teachers tell their obligatory children about Abraham and Moses, about Samson and David? Is that what Rabbinical and Sufi teachers instruct about Jesus? What makes any one of them 'right', and all the rest 'wrong'? Faith. And faith is a very flighty judge.

The stories were designed to teach the history of the tribal group, the responsibilities of the individual within the group, and the basic beliefs by which the group function. Everything that Man could do for himself was considered his power structure, such as making tools, hunting and gathering, the making of children, fighting other groups, and making homes (or finding proper caves). Everything else that could happen to Man was considered the power structure of something that the group could not see or find, but that absolutely had to exist because "it" did things that Man couldn't.

Within the scope of this power structure was weather (drought and flood), day and night, vegetables growing out of the ground, animals being plentiful or dangerous, making fire (lightning or volcanic ash), diseases, pain, birth and death. Man found that he feared all those things because he could not understand where they came from. He knew he could not do these things, therefore, whoever could must be much greater than he was. Whenever these things treated the group with benevolence, the group would believe themselves "blessed" for having done the proper things. Whenever these things threatened the group, then the group would believe they had "sinned" before their mysterious master(s).

During periods of blessings the group would evaluate their actual conduct, and determine that certain behavior patterns made for blessings from the unknown, such as animals killed or plenty of plants growing wild. Then, when periods of misfortune arrived, the group would balance occurrences in that period to stories of the previous blessings. Any differences, such as, specific births or stillbirths, poor hunts, new philosophical "ideas" promoted by any members, or even certain deaths, would become the "taboos" of the group. These would be the "sins" from which the group must avoid to please the mysterious unknown.

Eventually, each group would give their "mysterious watcher" the personality characteristics demonstrated by the best within their group, the sex of those predominant in the group, and a name which was designed to "awe" all who heard it. The very first groups did not see all of these different responsibilities being handled by only one source of power. Life within the group proved that the best way to conduct their business was for certain individuals to do certain tasks, and for certain subgroups to be responsible for certain activities.

The group was supervised by either the oldest or the strongest members of the group. This was subjective, based on the general nature of the group environment. But the "mysterious unknown" must be led by one with the same characteristics. Females were the only sources of children, therefore, the unknown responsible for births must be female. Strong males were responsible for all the hunting and killing, therefore, the unknown who "blessed" such activities would have to be equal to the tasks. In tribal groups where the eldest were the leaders, the "unknown" responsible for successful hunts had all the characteristics of the animal the group needed for survival. When the group was good and proper, the unknown allowed the men to hunt easily and kill their prey. Whenever the group erred, the unknown would bless the animal with the speed and strength to prevent the hunt. Even the grasses, plants and trees that grew freely must have an unknown responsible for making them rise up out of the ground. Gathering these was the job of females, so this unknown was a female, as well.

The result becomes an arbitrary collection of unknowns, each of which must be properly treated and coddled to protect the group's survival. As the group became more sophisticated, more civilized, and more educated, the unknowns developed equally as fast and deeply. The unknowns became "gods and goddesses", and the sophistication of the group's development created whole subgroups strictly dedicated to guaranteeing the pleasures of individual gods or goddesses.

The more gods the group possessed the more subgroups which were required to manage them. These assigned members of such subgroups developed into the original priests and priestesses, who began to enjoy the advantages of their positions and power within the group. If they weren't happy, their gods weren't happy, then the whole group would never be happy. But, due to limited resources and the necessity to satisfy certain gods over others (such as food over children, or weather over pretty flowers, combat over wisdom), some "priests" or "priestesses" became stronger than others.

The group would grow with each new generation. And certain members would be chosen to continue the "religious" traditions. These priests and priestesses learned rather quickly that it was their decisions, and their decisions alone, that made the group respond to certain behavior patterns. Each subsequent generation of priests added to the "secret" learning of their predecessors until the group found itself with a multitude of contradictory and antagonistic "religions". All stemming from the same original source and mysteries. Eventually, the group would become completely divided into subgroups, each controlled by a particular "religion". The ultimate example of this was the Golden Age of Greece, in which every city-state was the blessed territory of a particular god or goddess. And every conflict between city governments equated a battle between the gods.

It must be remembered and acknowledged that although every one of these dedicated subgroups grew from, and still belonged to, the very same "metaphysical" philosophy. Yet, by now, each is totally adverse to the very existence of all of the others, regardless of this fact. From this point forward, individual subgroups practice their "dogma" over the "abstract facts". And rather than dedicate themselves to the "essential aspects" of their "faith", they dedicate themselves to the destruction of any and all who "disbelieve". (There, but for the Grace of God go I.)

Even the legends and mythologies developed by the ancestral group are taken on by the various subgroups. But they are modified and codified within the ramifications of the controlling priesthood. Cultural teachings, the metaphysical, and ancestral heroes, originally belonging to the whole group, are now valued only has they apply to the value of the subgroup's domination. This progression and antithesis is readily witnessed and verified through the 6,000 year history of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic wonder cultures. The older the Scriptures the more all three claim the "teachings" as part of their individual philosophy.

Differences arise with regard to specific events in which more than one of the subgroups actually did or could have participated in. Inclusive are the actual contributions of specific "heroic" characters, and the "accurate" interpretation of the "meaning" of the metaphysical philosophy within the essential teachings. All three "civilized" religions accept and profess the laws of the Ten Commandments, but with certain difference in the interpretation and definition of such laws. The best example: are women - free members or rightful property? Within three religions there are almost one hundred recognized subgroups, and every one of them has a different definition of what a woman is. If "modern, civilized and educated" men cannot agree on this, what hope is there? In addition, within the three religions the magic of 3 continues, in that, within the Hebrew religion are Orthodox, Reformed, and Hasidic; within Christianity are Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelical; and, within Islam are Sunni, Shite, and Watanabe. They can’t even become One within their own circles.

The Hebrews are the oldest children, and "the Blessed of God". They cannot imagine that anyone would not acquiesce to their "divine right" to make all decisions where God is concerned. The Christians accept as infatigable the resurrection of Jesus, and cannot imagine that anyone would dare challenge their "divine right" to dominate everything else, because they are "the Purified of God". Moslems follow the additional teachings, interpretations, and example of the blessed Mohammed, and cannot accept that the rest of the world won't step aside and worship them as "the Law of God".

Yet, the fact is that all three so-called religions stem from the very same sources, from the very same essential teachings, and from the very same family genealogy. But, now, none can accept the rights and privileges of any others. Even within their own limitations, their so-called experts cannot agree upon their own rules, so that there are almost one hundred separate, independent and arrogant sects within only three religions. Why can't these people agree on anything?

This observation doesn't even take into account all of the rituals and protocols these three have taken from all of the Pagan philosophies during their long development. Other texts are recombinant with examples of adaptations from the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Phoenician, Celtic and Scandinavian religions. As well, all of these philosophies are traced directly back to the Sumerian and Akkadian religions. Yet, sectarian theologians from all three doctrines will argue, to the death, that their traditional rituals are purely the gift of their God, and have absolutely no debt to the "barbarian" heretics of any other form of religion.

Lastly, one of the principle laws of "civilized" religion is that anyone who comes to the door shall be accepted, all they need do is ask. However, all three "civilized" religions allow their membership to justify racial, ethical and cultural bigotry. And allows its theologians to play semantical waltzes with the essential teachings to justify genocide based on race, nationality, or cultural background. From the "glorious" Crusades of the thirteenth century, to the Aryan Supremacists of the twentieth century, to the Moslem-Hindu conflicts in India, to the Black Muslim Nation. So much for blood being thicker than ignorance.

Plato told the tale that Atlantis failed for the same reason, its own greed and arrogance led to its downfall. If, now, history proves that such an ancient culture existed at or prior to the last Ice Age, then we have to accept that our “flaws” and “sins” are genetic, and are hidden in the 96% of unidentified DNA codes within our bodies.

CHAPTER 6: Church or State

"you can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd,

but you can be happy if you've a mind to."

Roger Miller (1967)

Archeology has taught us that ever since Man stood upright and began to gather in "communities", religion has been the central theme of all social interaction. In the beginning religion was the most honored of subjects. It represented the answers to all the questions an individual could not answer by any other means. Religion meant wondrous things like magic, miracles and mysticism. Unseen but readily recognized, different gods and goddesses were personally responsible for specific aspects of Man's daily life. Each had a very particular personality, temples of respect, and order of ceremonies that were necessity for receiving blessings and service.

Man was the very center of the Universe, in the physical perception. The gods were the center of the Universe, in the metaphysical perception. Man ruled the world from the Earth, and the gods ruled Man from the Heavens. But there was not a complete and total separation of powers and personalities. All the legends from every culture and philosophy, tell that the gods spent a great deal of time on the Earth mixing with their subjects. This also included cross-biological breeding. And several mortal heroes are recorded having "traveled" to the Heavens, and seen the homes of their gods.

Apparently of was an everyday kind of event for the gods to come to Earth, visit and trade. They even made war among themselves, and visited the battles upon the lands of the mortals. They made have even built constructions of their own cultural significance, which would give explanations to such mysteries as the Sphinx, Stonehenge and Palenque. But the privilege of visiting the Heavens was not so easily "blessed". According to the ancient scriptures, only the most brave and wise of Men could "earn" the privilege of visiting the gods at home.

From these legends and mythologies we have developed the "faith", in all religions, that if the individual lives the proper and true life, they can "earn" the privilege of going to Heaven, and being with God. The difference is that in the ancient scriptures such diligence and reverence earned the individual the privilege "in this lifetime", while in our interpretation, such reverence and purity "only pays off in the next lifetime". So, do we really believe in another world "on a different level of time and space? Or, do we really believe in reincarnation? And, aren't they really the very same thing, in different words? (They're not, really.)

As mortal cultures grew larger and larger, it became harder and harder for "village shamans" (tribal priests or holy men) to control the vaster village populations. Thus was born the "priesthood". Secret orders of holy men who only shared their secrets of "talking with the gods", with the sons and daughters of the truly blessed (the elite rich enough to pay for the 'tuition' for clerical teaching, or children who demonstrated some truly remarkable capability or insight without any previous training). When the culture got enough larger, specific "priests" were selected to travel the land and update the village priests in the new, more improved ways of celebrating the honors and responsibilities of the gods. They were also required to collect "taxes" to help the central theologians maintain their status within the culture.

In presentation there was a distinctive separation between the "kings" and the "priests". Kings ruled over the land and physical property of our daily lives, and the priests ruled over the spiritual and metaphysical properties of our lives. Both were supposedly directly blessed by the culture's personal "god", and chosen because of their purity and mystical ethics. The kings made the "laws", but only after the appropriate, and 'blessed', recommendations of the priests. Since the beginning, the real rulers were the priests. They could 'bless' or 'curse' the they 'made' the laws. And, only the strongest priesthood could influence the king. So the larger, more powerful, and richer the priesthood, the more influence it could wield.

The priesthood measured power by 1) magical abilities, 2) mystical prophecies, and 3) gold in the vault. Magical abilities were the skills developed that could turn sticks into snakes, make smoke appear or something appear from the smoke, turn liquids from one color to another, from parlor tricks to full professional illusions. Success in this area was assigned to those priests with particularly deft physical agility and dexterity. Initiates began very early in life learning alchemy and chemistry and physics to master these skills and earn their title.

Mystical prophecy was the skill of reading such things as chicken entrails, tossed bones, tarot cards, or the stars, and from this skill be able to "accurately" predict what would happen in the future. The rate of success and proficiency in this area was measured in life-spans, for those who failed tended to die...on the spot. Initiates had to begin very early in life to master these skills, because the majority of success in prophecy comes from "practice", and "faith" that you understand exactly what you "read" and tell it truthfully. One must truly believe in one's self and in the reading techniques, and understand the limitations of such skill. Otherwise, longevity would not be an adequate part of one's resume'.

However, the amount of gold and treasure in one's vault was the best determining factor in how well the king could be 'influenced' by the power of the magical and mystical. No gold and bad tricks usually meant 'headless' priests. Lots of gold and meager tricks meant really happy kings, and living priests. Even today, this same "balance of power" controls our daily lives. If the Christian or Hebrew community within our American culture objects to a particular subject of government policy, they simply tell their congregations that "the heathens are seeking to destroy our way of life". The resulting impartial and bipartisan, democratic government becomes swayed by the populous movement. Such religious/political representatives as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson became successful and wealthy exercising their priestly authority, and the Roman Catholic Vatican has one of the largest bank accounts on this planet.

A curious note belongs right here. And whether or not it has any real relevance to our overall discussion its observation is important for establishing a point of incongruity: it is quite remarkable that except for the Asian Tongs, which are for the most part renegade Buddhists, and the Kali Thugs (which are mercenaries), the major criminal organizations (American, Irish, Italian and Colombian) readily align themselves with the Catholic Church. Probably because of the stipulation of the Confessional. Commit any sins you want Monday through Saturday, then come to Confession, "pay" the appropriate dispensation, and receive ready absolution, then go back and do it all over, again. Terrorism, however, finds Islam its best advocate, because it promises immediate transition to Heaven should you die in your efforts. That comes in real handy during suicide missions...and gets around the Third Commandment, "thou shalt not kill", very nicely.

Only in the past twenty to thirty years has the power of the "priesthood" begun to fall apart, and lose its authority. This is, of course, blamed on a decadent and sinful society, condemned for all eternity. But it wasn't the power of the king that has destroyed the influence of the priesthood, even though many kings have tried. It has been their own self-righteous greed, overwhelming arrogance, and blind self-deprivation. Jerry Swaggart and Jim Bakker were caught in the act of practicing the very sins they preached against. Reverend Swaggart cried, in the pulpit, begging for his redemption for his self-indulgent perversion. The Reverend Oral Roberts publicly proclaimed that God Himself would have him killed, if he could not raise enough money to protect his temple. Even the Roman Papacy has suffered greatly in recent years in the rapid decline of its worldwide authority...through the sexual allegations against its priesthood, and a serious absence of young men and women joining the ranks of the priesthood, and the inability to "adapt" to the changes in the social environment. No sectarian authority has the foresight to see that the congregation has grown more educated and aware, while the priesthood has stagnated, caught up in its dogmatic ritual and costuming.

Yet, Pope Francis, the present Papal Father, still commands the overwhelming adoration and respect of world leaders and even non-Catholic populations. His authority is readily felt within the offices of the President of the United States of America, regardless of who sits in the chair. Historically, the Hebrew community has suffered more than any other "religion" at the hands of outside powers (at least that's what the history books say), but that has never affected its true, "under-the-table" power. Being exceptionally fortunate in matters of business, the Hebrew community has always been a "real source" of funds for whoever was in the "king's" chair. And royalty has always been extremely appreciative of their presence within the larger community. Look at Israel's ability to command the "center" of world politics. Every decision that the Orthodox Jewish community makes is "watched and feared", because of its planet-wide repercussions on the lives of non-Jewish people everywhere.

The establishment of the Atheistic cultures of the Soviet Union and China do not even have legitimate representation in any discussion of religious policy. Except as examples of this author's theory that such governments are only effective as long as the dominated religious leaders are "mortally afraid" of the political leaders. The people are afraid of what the priests are afraid of. When the "church" stops being afraid, the people begin enforcing their "religion", because they fear God more than Government. The Soviet Union has already fallen, directly effected by the Greek Orthodox resurgence against "public policy". Supported by the "brotherly" religions of the West, the Greek Orthodox priesthood was able to prove that they could perform all of their duties, in the name of God, without reprisal from the "laws of man". When the government finally gave up "fighting" the priesthood, and making martyrs out of dead priests, the "church" had won.

Communist China can see its own demise from the massive influx of "missionary" activities throughout its political holdings. The Chinese leaders know that their time is short, and they are now trying to "redesign" the system so that they can keep their economic power once they've lost their spiritual control. Capitalism and a "free market economy" may appear to be the banner for the fall of Communism, but in reality, whether its one God or lots of little gods, physical restraint cannot hold out against metaphysical muscle. "Someone" gets real upset when you say He/She/They don't exist - entirely! {Remember this: that governments don't govern where the priesthood doesn't approve -- the downfalls of the Soviet Union and the Roman Empire, as well as the "Christians first" ethic control of the United States are examples of this law.}

Mankind has always created religion to explain those things that men cannot explain by their own experiences. The vast directories of things put into the powers of religion by primitive cultures (Pagan religions) have more "respectability" and "genuine earnestness" than the three religions of modern "first world" cultures and political orders. But, it appears that the priesthood, of all the sects, have lost sight of their real responsibilities...and their true duties. The true value of religion lies somewhere between the absolute authority of the Papacy and the total destruction of all "false images".

Primitive religions encompassed all of the metaphysical and mystical that surrounded the group, and gave life to the hope that good things come from unseen forces. Shamans were taught to believe in the mystical and metaphysical, and the people were taught to believe in the Shaman. Magic really does work when its applied to those who do truly believe (observe Voodooism). Modern religions (the unholy trilogy), on the other hand, expend all of their energies trying to destroy all of the metaphysical, professing it to be strictly primitive. They have forgotten how to believe, and the presence of the mystical outside of their personal control challenges their authority - by doing what they cannot, and by proving them to be false teachers. This, in turn, jeopardizes their political control, as well.

The most powerful religions match their theology with the political power they command. And those religions are the Judeo-Christian-Islamic trilogy (and a very unholy trilogy it is), which, coincidentally, spend all of their time in dangerous "sibling rivalry" instead of real social advancement. I could not argue better for the total separation of church and state than the example of these three religions who so adamantly profess the big lie of "peace before anything else". In their own historical records each professes one thing and demonstrates another: "the peace of God that passeth all understanding" - that's why we can kill anyone who doesn't recognize our right to be the peace of God. To say that this is ludicrous is to properly define every book of history written since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs.

The most important question, in this author's opinion: what is the real difference between the 'trilogy of the unknown god' and all other religions? All other religions believe in many 'mystical deities' and follow the same foundation for a group of gods and goddesses who behold different attributes of the mystical power, and must be individually addressed if the mortal community wants to achieve any particular goal. These gods do possess all the human qualities including love, faith, compassion, wisdom, courage, honor, greed, selfishness, pride, perversion and dishonor. It is the individual characteristics and behaviors of each god and goddess which determines their status as a glorious or infamous 'god'. The unseen, unknown "God" of the Hebrew priesthood had only one personification as the all-powerful, ever-knowing Holy Father who demands (like any patriarch) absolute and total obedience to His law. He is as ruthless, sadistic (remember Abraham and Isaac) and uncompassionate as any other god, but you aren't allow to describe Him as such. He is protected by filial piety, the law that the children must obey the father, regardless of the father's respect for the children. Many abused children throughout the course of Man's history know the results of such "paternal" love...slavery, feeding people to lions, crusades, inquisitions and holocausts.

Beyond the political inequality and the ignorant sibling rivalry practiced by these three great religions, the most horrendous aspect of their success is the destruction of many different philosophies, and the "true magical aspects" of all religions. The oldest, most sacred argument for all religion is the ability of the human imagination to "believe" that anything can happen...if you have a mind to. This is the greatest "sin" of modern theology, it has taken away Man's ability to believe in anything beyond that of their narrow-minded, self-indulgent dogma. If there were no chance for a complete change of social and theological evolution, then the total destruction of Mankind could happen today - and the world would be a much better place to live.

From the Aborigine of Australia, the Dogons of Central Africa, and the Anasazi of the American Southwest to the Sumerians, Akkadians, and ancient Egyptians, we learn that there were "real gods", and they lived here, walked here, and loved here. They left behind their own descendants when they did eventually go away. That would leave the most obvious questions: Where did they go? Why did they go? And, are they really coming back someday? But, those are for another part of this discussion. The point to be made here is: what do we do about our religion(s) today?

The first thing is to openly admit that what we have today "does not work". There are, give or take, a dozen "major" religions, and probably about hundred and fifty sects, orders or denominations within all of those religions. And every one of them wants to "kill" all the others for being "wrong". Yet, none of them knows what the "hell" "right!" is. The fact is: if any one of them is right, then every other one is in serious trouble. No matter how you add it up, that fact cannot be right. Therefore, the truth has to lie somewhere the gray mist of "maybe everybody's just a little right and a little bit wrong".

Today, everywhere in the world, political governments promote particular religions (even here in America). That is why in practice the United Nations is a helpless non-entity, because every individual government seated in the council chamber is controlled by the religion behind it - and no two of them will ever agree. Every religion "hates" every other religion so much that none want to negotiate a "real peace" with anyone else. It is against their own best interests to compromise their "faith" to stop the killing.

For the United Nations to work, all religions are going to have to give up their stranglehold on the petty plots of land and small core-groups of people they want to own. The real fact is: Mankind needs one "interactive" philosophy that meets the needs of all people. No present religion is going to admit its not "the real religion" best suited for all - even if it has to kill lots of people to enforce its own mandate. Nor will it give up its already limited control so that some other religion, old or new, can take its place as the center of the Universe. Self-interest of the individual is more important than self-sacrifice for the whole, regardless of whatever the essential Scriptures teach. The Scriptures were written only for the godless, ignorant peasants, not for the enlightened and wealthy priesthood.

My own personal experiences would support the argument that I want religion to exist. Those self-same experiences and my in-depth research have led to my own definition, however, of what religion really is, what is probably should have been, and that rarely has it ever been what it was taught to be. As a poet, I cannot look at a beautiful sunset and "want to believe" that it is strictly and unemotional base chemical reaction. Only a 'god' could paint such a wondrous and truly awesome sky. But, by the same argument, I cannot look at the unjustifiable, horrendous, and inexcusable suffering of innocent children and "want to believe" that an omniscient and ever-loving "god" could be so cruel and inhumane. No text ever written can justify my soul. Is this not the penultimate duality?

"God" must be somewhere in between. He must have had the power to begin the game, and now is restricted by the rules of that game. He gave the world life and a pattern for that life, but now He cannot "directly" interfere with it. That means, by definition, God cannot be omniscient and all-powerful. He may be "eternal", and can see all that goes on, but He lacks the "freedom" to act. To fill that void lost by His freedom, God must have given Man "free will", and the opportunity to openly see His situation, rationally question his own options, and then "morally act" in the best interests of the whole. That given: where did we go wrong?

CHAPTER 7: Ramifications of the Unholy Trilogy

The greatest harm done to the true spiritual development of Man's future has been the centuries of politically-centered individuals (from Popes to parish priests and rabbis, to television evangelists) using Biblical texts for their personal advantage, and the destruction of the social community. In the written history of Terran Mankind prior to approximately 2800 BC, according to the Judeo-Christian calendar, all "sacred" texts instructed that Man came from the "gods", who came from "the stars in the sky". These texts include the Sumerian, Akkadian, Aryan (pre-Hindu), Egyptian, Dogon, Aborigine, Anasazi, Oltec, and Chinese. With very small variations in the names and specifics, all of these gods were recorded with the same general political orientations and family alignments.

The Earth was just another territory within their sphere of management. Control of the Earth would pass back and forth with the fighting and subversion of those in and out of power. Over the centuries, the original stories changed to satisfy the present needs of the audience hearing them - just like we change the stories of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny to satisfy the individual children we tell them to.

Then came the arrival of the Hebrew priesthood, who really had no land to govern except a small strip of semi-arid desert in Judea. They controlled a small military, no mining, no forests, no shipping, and very limited agriculture. They wanted to create power over their minion, but had nothing to wield that power with, so they created a new "god" who had no name, no face and no land. But this God held omniscient power and authority, He did all the things no one had found answers for, and He ruled the people - through the voice of "His" priesthood.

They found a small acreage of land, and proclaimed that they would own it, because their God had told them they could. They took the oldest stories and legends from the other kingdoms (the oldest ones they could find were Sumerian and Akkadian), and then adapted them for their own. The written record of history proves that Moses led a "convention" of priests and scribes to "write down" the Pentateuch Scriptures (the first five books of the Bible). Those books correlate directly with the even older scriptures, whom the Hebrew peasants and "shepherd kings" had no in-depth education which would have taught them about such stories. The rest of the Books of the Old Testament were included by reason of "conventions" in which the majority present agreed with the message of the text. Remember, also, the New Testament was originally collected, then culled, in 325 AD from a vast collection of local and regional scriptures written by Rabbis from all over the Roman Empire, by Emperor Constantine's own "convention", when he elected to make Christianity the "official religion" of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Hebrew history, written by its priesthood, openly admits that throughout history there were only very short periods of time when the Hebrew people had their own "government of properties". Instead, they were perpetually slaves and indentured servants of other peoples. Or hidden, small communities within the larger "gentile" kingdoms around them. The stories and the authority of the "unnamed God" were all that the priesthood possessed to maintain their control of "their people". Although their God has never been real successful at making their people comfortable, history has proven that through earnest faith that hold has been extremely effective. Over five thousand years of political failure, and several attempts to purge this culture from the social whole, have not suppressed the power and awe of the Hebrew religion.

It should be noted here that the Hebrew people are the only "cultural" subgroup who are referred to as a "race", by theological and non-theological scholars alike. This particularly curious label has given the Hebrew people a very special view of themselves. This has, fortunately, aided the priesthood in maintaining their tight control, even under the most excruciating circumstances (such as the Crusades, the Inquisition and the Holocaust). All of that said, and respectfully acknowledged, there is no physical or cultural evidence that the Hebrew religion is anything more than just another "pagan" oligarchy.

This, in due course, leads to the fact that Christianity and Islam, both born of the 'ribs' of Judaism, are equally without a true foundation. Both took what they wanted of the Hebrew philosophy, both Jesus of Nazareth and Mohammed of Mecca were born and raised and educated by Jews, then they disregarded what displeased them as "sinful" or unnecessary. This is not to say that the practice of the "essential metaphysical teachings" of all three religions are false or without value. But the present memberships do not earnestly practice those essential teachings, therefore, the premise for which these three religions argue that they should control the lives of the majority of this world is in real question.

During the past five thousand years, the premise of the Hebrew dogmatic version of history has been allowed to ferment, grow and become so large as to become "fact". There are actually theologians and scientists who, even today, profess that evolution cannot exist, because it challenges the authority and "law" of the Book of Genesis. This is the kind of propaganda that the Soviets should have "prayed" to own. The "law" is we did it, we wrote it, we own it, you can't do anything about it. The miracles and heroics of the Old Testament are the proofs of Hebrew rights and privileges, even though those same Hebrews cannot see any miracles performed by anyone not Hebrew. Israeli and Hebrew public relations, today, continually teach that what gave Adolph Hitler his platform upon which to become a demagogue was the "big lie". Tell a lie so big that no one will believe that you're lying, and everyone will have to believe its true. Remember, Hitler was raised a Jew, his school taught him "that law", before he used it to attempt to destroy so many enemies before, and still today.

This style of propaganda (See the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Holy Gospel of St. Thomas) would eventually lead to a young rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, who would possibly become the victim of the another "big lie"...the Resurrection. It has to be remembered that the teachings of this young, earnest rabbi laid "no foundation" for the actions of his "followers" some forty (40) years later. So much time had gone by and there were so few written records of the actual events that Peter and Paul were able to take advantage of the local "village legends and stories" of Jesus, and developed them into a network of "control" that they could manipulate...just as their own teachers (Hebrew priesthood) had demonstrated. It is doubtful that either ever expected the royal expansion of their propaganda into the monster we call "Christianity", nor that it could give birth to its own infamous sibling, "Islam".

Calling the Resurrection a "big lie" sets this author up for vast amounts of theological humiliation from the fundamentalists. However, they cannot prove that the event ever happened. Only the Bible tells the story, and the Bible was written by men who wanted people to believe them, whether inspired or not. By the same consideration, calling Islam an infamous sibling could easily get my life threatened. But that would only prove my observation. Can the Islamic faith present any evidence, other than The Prophet's text (His Name Be Praised), that they are worthy of any special respect? Their historical participation in the past sixty years lacks a great deal of positive support.

Even in the study of our solar system, via astronomical science, we must understand the ramifications of the Judeo-Christian version of history, because it has a direct influence on all that followed. For the priesthood of the unholy trilogy to control a group of people, that group has to be "convinced" that their God is "the source" of all things. And to establish that "fact" there can be no access to, probability of, or even possibility of ever having been, any intelligent life existing anywhere else (includes space aliens, dolphins and chimpanzees), except in their definition of "heaven". Because, if there exists anything other than the priesthood's definition of the universe, then the whole foundation of their power is gone. So, the Earth had to be "flat", the sun had to go "around" the earth, and the stars in the sky had to be "candles" put there by God.

What gave the Hebrews the advantage for propagating their version of history was they were slaves and indentured servants. Curiously, at least to me, great conquerors like Egypt and the Roman Empire, educated slaves to teach their children and serve as scribes in royal court. Is it just me, or is that like putting the fox in charge of the chicken-house? From that base, the Hebrews came to be recognized as the most educated and literate subgroup within any culture. Through their educational practices and abilities, the Hebrew taught the children of the 'governing elite' the kind of history they wanted them to believe, which just coincidentally justified their own religious history. Individuals and small communities of Hebrew would eventually earn their own freedom and develop Hebrew communities within the other cultures.

Then came the Christian priesthood, who were educated by their Hebrew ancestors. Where the Hebrews had survived and thrived through subtle subterfuge and inane manipulation, the Christians followed the visible success of the Romans through their dis-compassionate battle mentality. Through political intrigue and military operations, the Christians proved to be much more "assertive, aggressive and violent" than their Hebrew grandfathers. Their vehement attitude meant that the Christians did what the Hebrew couldn't, they gained control of lands, property, and governments, learning to "enforce" their will upon others, including their Hebrew ancestors. Later the Moslems were moderately successful for several hundred years, controlling the Middle East and all of North Africa. But they still hold a grudge for the brutal Christians who eventually returned and took away their power and rights. Today, a new generation of Moslem overlords seek to rebuild their own empire.

The Christian priesthood knew, just as well, that their authority had no more foundation than the big lie they propagated, so the Roman Catholic authority had to develop the policies and practices of eliminating investigative education. The Church passed dogma which ordered that they, alone, could be the teachers to the 'governing elite'. Fortunately for the rest of us some local landowners (kings, princes, dukes and earls) were curious and open-minded, allowing their offspring to be taught by Hebrew and Moslem educators as well as the Roman Catholics.

But these practices lasted right up to now. Galileo was tried as a heretic and criminal for believing in Copernicus' theory of a round earth, and the earth going around the sun. Even though the ancient Greeks and Egyptians had known and recorded the facts centuries before. Otherwise, why would the Greeks have depicted Atlas holding a globe on his shoulders? If the world was flat, wouldn't he be holding a pizza? America was built on religious freedom, yet, fundamental Christian religious groups still try tell the American government what subjects they can and cannot teach. But they won't allow other religions the same privilege of promoting their own essential teachings, including the Jews.

Like corporations today, who control what the competition and the public "really know" about their operations, churches have literally battled civilization its whole life, to protect the secrets that its membership have learned. It was this idea of secrets kept by the 'church' that first led me to challenge the dogmatic traditions that were programmed into me. Under the premise of the teachings I was given, the church was the source and ideal of "openness" and "truth". Even my grandmother was a minister and blessed teacher of these truths. Yet, I saw so much that contradicted and devalued the message that I had to revalue my beliefs. And I discovered that those who taught me were no better than the "heathens" and "sinners" they tried to teach me to disrespect.

If all that I was taught to believe was "false", what then was the real "truth"? My school teachers taught me that many of the ancient historical records were "not exactly true", because the histories were written by the "winners" of wars. The winners always wrote the next histories to their best advantage. (And they had Hebrew or Christian scribes write those histories...and read them back, too.) The daily newspapers taught me that the political parties used the same policies to influence the voters of my day. I began studying history...all history...religious, political and geological...traditional and obscure and losers. I discovered many variations but the same pattern. Those in control manipulated the written record following their success, to eliminate anything that questioned their "right to succession". That left things on all sides of every issue unsaid, or unacceptable. I wanted to know what those things were.

Adolph Hitler was the kind of loser no one would want to be the winner. But even the history of World War II has its secrets and its unacceptable deletions. Such as how much did Roosevelt really know about the Japanese plan to bomb Pearl Harbor, before the fact? How culpable was the American government in sending merchant ships into Atlantic routes known to have German submarine packs? Did the German bombing of London really justify the Allied bombing of Berlin, Bonn and Hamburg? The question wasn't "was it necessary?" it was "was it justified?". As an ex-soldier I know that there are times when war is necessary, but no general officer or chaplain ever could argue that it was justified.

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