The nature of death is not the death of nature. Death is said to be the transition from this plane of existence to the next. The problem is that the vast majority of humans cannot visualize this explanation because they have no reference to it.
I, on the other hand, am the son of an undertaker (a mortician for y’all edumacated folks), and have lived with, rehashed, evaluated, meditated on this subject for over six decades (I am old). I have experienced every avenue of death, except the final journey myself. And now, I believe I know and understand the most incredible part of the subject, as very few have ever considered it.
The most drastic, and elusive, topic in the discussion of death is: where does the spirit go? This is the most powerful question; however, it is also at the wrong end of the discussion. Anyone with a religious background, regardless of the faith, believes in the spirit, but has no reference to its journey past the moment of death. Anyone without a religious background, such as atheists, do not believe in the spirit, therefore they believe that there is no “after death”. Although I do have a background in religion, my research and evaluation into this subject has always included the atheistic point of view. My evaluation required not only the way to justify a spiritual existence, but a practical way to present it to the skeptical. There is not now, nor has there ever been any reason not to consider the skeptical view... it is the balance that maintains the truth.
However, to make my point, I must come back to the “after death” argument, later. First, we must start at the beginning...or, as close to it as we can get. In any discussion of the beginning of the universe, we must go back to the Big Bang. Our science has demonstrated that the event occurred, that everything else came from it, however, we cannot get close enough to validate “exactly” what happened. We are stuck getting the best evidence of what happened “a few seconds after the Big Bang”. This same distraction occurs when we try to study the “beginning” of human life, and the birth of consciousness.
The atheists, as well as many doctors, recognize the existence of “consciousness”, however they do not believe that it converts into a “spirit” and leaves the body...whether at death or during a near-death experience. Unfortunately, for them, I have experienced this event many times over six decades (as a child, a young adult, a soldier, and as a normal citizen). The spirit has been experienced and witnessed by simply too many individuals, throughout history, to pretend it does not exist. The fact that I have never met an honest Democrat does not mean one does not exist. The most important aspect of the spirit is the very fact that it does exist. It is from this point that the hardest questions arise: a) where does it come from? b) can the individual control it - does it determine whether the individual is good or bad? c) where does it really go?
Question a) is complicated, because until this very moment, no one has considered it a question. The basic, accepted, research is that mother gives her chromosomes and father gives his chromosomes, and the baby only accepts 50% of each donation... and, everything arises from this moment of chemistry. Following this moment, the development of the neurons determines the effectiveness of everything else. Science accepts that the brain generates two platforms of operation: 1) the conscious level of function, where the individual actively controls all actions, such as walking, talking, singing, reading, drawing, writing, etc.; and, 2) the subconscious level where all actions are automatic, such as breathing, blinking, and digestion, etc. Additionally, science proclaims that these two levels are chemical functions of the neurons and have no “outside” influence.
Question b) is yes and no. The trained individual can control the spirit, which is reflected on the nature of their environment; while the unimpressed individual is controlled by the environment, which is reflected in the negative presence of the spirit. (too poetic, explain later) Spirit is part consciousness and part sub-consciousness. That is, it functions at a level that the conscious mind can comprehend, train, and demonstrate. And it functions at a level that supervises the sub-consciousness, enhancing the general environment around the individual, as well as the specific functions of the individual. In example, the spirit can influence the rational mind to enhance thoughts and workout hypotheses, and influence good will or depression; while it manages the heartrate, sees what the individual is not paying attention to, to recall later,
Question c) an important question...only after everything else is resolved.
Beyond this discussion of the physical nature of the spirit... the nature of the spirit is the most important aspect. The brain controls thought and the heart controls emotions, so says the ancient criteria. But what controls the spirit? It is much more than a single organ... not the conscious mind, because the spirit works even when the brain is comatose, so it may be associated with the sub-conscious mind. However, if that is reasonable, why can the spirit leave the body, the sub-conscious cannot even scratch your nose during a coma.