Stephen McCallum
A conversation between friends generated this observation. However, millennials be warned, this article may endanger your psyche and trigger emotional challenges for you.
A friend has developed health conditions where she must become a strict carnivore. My first fear for her, and others, is the political movement, by Bill Gates and other Elitists to destroy ranching and meat production, to force the whole world to eat their “lab meat”, made from veggies and Monsanto chemicals. Now, I have to come out of retirement, and become a warrior once again. Even though I am an Omnivore and can survive regardless of how such a war goes.
This eventually our conversation created the following path to enlightenment, because we both are members of the international UFO community, so she wondered if “our friends” were one or the other… carnivores or vegetarians.
Suddenly, it made sense to me. The vast majority (at least 90%) of all the extra-terrestrials that have come in contact with Earth are carnivores, or more functionally omnivores. Not to assume all are. A very small percentage of Universal travelers could be vegetarians; however, this is not probable. Even considering that the best acceptable design for “motherships” are ecological traveling planets.
Everything we can effective assume about ETs must be based on Terran existence. Life on Earth is balanced between fauna and flora. Even within flora, many are carnivores. Within fauna the percentage of veggies vs carnies has always been on the veggies side, based on breeding acceptability. However, any in-depth study shows that veggies breed to feed carnies; from antiquity to modern, from ocean life to terraforms, from dinosaurs to mammals, from mosquitoes to eagles.
The next oddity, in this context, is that veggies, by Nature, are domesticated. Carnies develop necessary modifications, such as sharp teeth and claws; paws w flexible digits; and, stronger brains. By Nature, Humans have taken the most advantage of these differences, opposable thumbs… and, massive diets, becoming omnivores. Many humans choose to become veggies, personally this is your choice, however, the argument “against living things”, IS BS… university studies over the past 60 years have demonstrated and proven that… plants are “living beings”, with feelings… the ability to hear, and see (in their own way) to identify good things… and dangers. Therefore, regardless of what you eat, it was a living entity with a life of its own. And, in proportion, killing and eating flora means you equally kill fauna, just by starving them to death.
But, that’s not the point of this article (just an enjoyable side argument). The point IS, by factually studying the life on Terra, we can (and must) accept the similar conclusion about the Universe, as a whole. Veggies and Carnies develop on all planets. Carnies develop greater advantages, faster than veggies. Therefore, travel, from continent to continent, to planet to planet, is the realm of carnivores, first. The need to “hunt” is their Nature.
Considering the vast collection of information and experience that Humans have developed with Extra-Terrestrial Entities (and the evidence does exist), we know that the vast majority of Visitors are Carnivores, or Omnivores (although no one has ever seen them eat eggplant…I’m Cajun). A very small percentage are not carnies, however, they are not veggies either; they have raised their existence into the biologically spiritual levels, becoming light sources living on pure energy (therefore, they eat everything).
And, it is very unfortunate, but we are on the list of vulnerable targets. Even though we so much love to hunt, and kill, and play “Dexter” games.